我試圖bundle exec jekyll serve
Your bundle is locked to addressable (2.5.0), but that version could not be found in any of the sources listed in your Gemfile. If you haven't changed sources, that means the author of addressable (2.5.0) has removed it. You'll need to update your bundle to a different version of addressable (2.5.0) that hasn't been removed in order to install.
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
bundle install
Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.13.6) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.13.7). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`.
Successfully installed bundler-1.15.1
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.15.1
Done installing documentation for bundler after 4 seconds
1 gem installed
嘗試'包更新',然後做'捆綁執行jekyll服務' – Pavan
看來我運行不同版本的紅寶石......它說'液-4.0.0需要紅寶石版本> = 2.1.0,其中與當前版本,ruby 2.0.0p648'不兼容,但是當我嘗試brew更新ruby時,它會顯示'Error:ruby 2.4.1_1 already installed' – Himmators
'brew update ruby'?你沒有使用RVM或RBenv? –