2012-09-29 49 views

該腳本一直在使用10.7及更高版本,但在10.8中,似乎已損壞。該行:AppleScript不能在Mountain Lion中工作的路徑

set theFilePath to ((path to application support from user domain) as rich text) & "AppFolderName:" & UniqueName as string 
set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission 

在以前的版本上工作得很好,但蘋果顯然阻止它在Mountain Lion上正常工作。有沒有其他方式通過Mountain Lion中的Apple腳本訪問該文件夾?

編輯:我已經包括了整個腳本代碼將,郵件規則內的整個信息導出到我的程序可以導入的文本文件。將文本文件發送到〜/ Library/Application Support/MyProgram/MailImport/


path to application support位於代碼中,但將其更改爲path to desktop時,此腳本不起作用,表示存在寫入應用程序支持文件夾的問題,但代碼有效。

要測試,您可以在Mail中創建新規則,並讓Every Message運行該腳本。您必須將腳本放入〜/ Library/Application Scripts/com.apple.mail/


using terms from application "Mail" 
    on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule 
     tell application "Mail" 
      repeat with eachMessage in theMessages 
       set sub to subject of eachMessage 
       set mid to message id of eachMessage 
       set sen to sender of eachMessage 
       set recp to "" 
       repeat with thisRecpt in recipients of eachMessage 
        set recp to recp & address of thisRecpt & "," 
       end repeat 
       set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:hh, minutes:mm} to (date sent of eachMessage) 
       set dat to (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string 
       set tim to (hh * 100 + mm) as string 
       set con to content of eachMessage 

       set TotalString to "<!STDMessageSubject>" & sub & "<!STDMessageSubject>" & "<!STDMessageID>" & mid & "<!STDMessageID>" & "<!STDMessageSender>" & sen & "<!STDMessageSender>" & "<!STDMessageRecipient>" & recp & "<!STDMessageRecipient>" & "<!STDMessageDate>" & dat & "<!STDMessageDate>" & "<!STDMessageTime>" & tim & "<!STDMessageTime>" & "<!STDMessageContent>" & con & "<!STDMessageContent>" 

       set UniqueName to do shell script "uuidgen" 

       set theFilePath to ((path to application support from user domain) as rich text) & "MyApplication:MailImport:" & UniqueName as string 
       set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission 

       write TotalString to theFileReference 
       close access theFileReference 
      end repeat 
     end tell 
    end perform mail action with messages 
end using terms from 

這很可能與授權/沙盒的樂趣有關,但希望有一些解決方法可以與之前的系統具有相同的功能。 – mjdth



所以事實證明這是一個沙盒問題。蘋果郵件在10.8使用一般的沙盒應用程序支持文件夾的位置,無論你怎麼努力只得到~/Library/Application Support/,所以從內部郵件一個AppleScript 10.8

path to application support from user domain 


~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Application Support/ 







using terms from application "Mail" 
    on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule 
     tell application "Mail" 
      repeat with eachMessage in theMessages 
       set sub to subject of eachMessage 
       set mid to message id of eachMessage 
       set sen to sender of eachMessage 
       set recp to "" 
       repeat with thisRecpt in recipients of eachMessage 
        set recp to recp & address of thisRecpt & "," 
       end repeat 
       set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:hh, minutes:mm} to (date sent of eachMessage) 
       set dat to (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string 
       set tim to (hh * 100 + mm) as string 
       set con to content of eachMessage 

       set TotalString to "<!STDMessageSubject>" & sub & "<!STDMessageSubject>" & "<!STDMessageID>" & mid & "<!STDMessageID>" & "<!STDMessageSender>" & sen & "<!STDMessageSender>" & "<!STDMessageRecipient>" & recp & "<!STDMessageRecipient>" & "<!STDMessageDate>" & dat & "<!STDMessageDate>" & "<!STDMessageTime>" & tim & "<!STDMessageTime>" & "<!STDMessageContent>" & con & "<!STDMessageContent>" 
       my writeToFile(TotalString) 
      end repeat 
     end tell 
    end perform mail action with messages 
end using terms from 

on writeToFile(TotalString) 
    set UniqueName to do shell script "uuidgen" 
    set theFilePath to ((path to application support from user domain) as text) & "MyApplication:MailImport:" & UniqueName 
    set theFileReference to open for access file theFilePath with write permission 
    write TotalString to theFileReference 
    close access theFileReference 
end writeToFile 


on writeToFile(TotalString) 
    set UniqueName to do shell script "uuidgen" 
    set theFilePath to ((path to application support from user domain) as text) & "MyApplication:MailImport:" & UniqueName 
    set theResult to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of TotalString & " > " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFilePath 
end writeToFile 



當在腳本編輯器中保存時,它會自動用'用戶域規則類型富文本'替換'用戶域作爲文本'提供應用程序支持的路徑' – mjdth


另外,作爲單獨的註釋,更改'應用程序支持的路徑'從原始代碼到'桌面路徑'的路徑導致腳本執行正常,所以它必須是權限問題而不是語法問題。 – mjdth


第三條評論:我已經包含了整個腳本。當簡單地將「路徑到應用程序支持」替換爲「桌面路徑」時,此腳本編譯和運行正常 – mjdth