2013-11-02 99 views

我一直在玩一些簡單的二進制編碼,它似乎大部分工作正常,直到我添加了狀態monad。該計劃是使用狀態來保存我已經寫入字節串的查找表,然後將偏移量寫入以前的字符串實例,而不是重複它們。Haskell State Monad和Binary不會輸出所有東西

我得到了所有類型的檢查和運行,但後來我注意到它只寫出鏈中的最終指令。我改爲使用Control.Monad.State.Strict,但沒有任何區別,所以我懷疑我在其他地方發生了根本性錯誤,但我不確定在哪裏 - 我已將代碼修剪成基本功能。另外,有沒有更習慣於這樣做的方式?

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 

import   Control.Applicative 
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S 
import   Data.Binary.Put 
import qualified Data.ByteString   as BS 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BL 

data SState = SState { 
    wsPosition :: Int 
    -- plus whatever else 

initialState = SState 0 
type StatePut = S.State SState Put 

class StateBinary a where 
    sput :: a -> StatePut 

incPos :: Int -> S.State SState() 
incPos amnt = do 
    (SState p) <- S.get 
    S.put $ SState (p + amnt) 

writeSized :: Int -> (a -> Put) -> a -> StatePut 
writeSized n f x = do 
        incPos n 
        return (f x) 

writeInt32 :: Int -> StatePut 
writeInt32 = writeSized 32 putWord32be . fromIntegral 

writeBS :: BS.ByteString -> StatePut 
writeBS b = writeSized (BS.length b) putByteString b 

data SomeData = SomeData { 
    sdName :: BS.ByteString 
    , sdAge :: Int 
    , sdN :: Int 
} deriving (Show, Eq) 

instance StateBinary SomeData where 
    sput (SomeData nm a n) = do 
      writeBS nm 
      writeInt32 a 
      writeInt32 n 

testData = SomeData "TestName" 30 100 

runSPut :: StateBinary a => a -> BL.ByteString 
runSPut a = runPut $ S.evalState (sput a) initialState 

-- runSPut testData returns "\NUL\NUL\NULd" 

什麼是'writeSized',應該從哪裏導入?此代碼不適合我編譯。 – bheklilr


對不起,我是批量複製粘貼,不小心跳過 - 現在加入! – Compo



問題是writeSized實際上並沒有寫入字節串。 return只將Put計算包裝到狀態monad中而不實際運行它。有可能是解決它更聰明的方式,但明顯的是利用這樣一個事實Put(實際上PutM)是一個單子,用單子變壓器符合國家單子來撰寫它:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 

import   Control.Applicative 
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S 
import   Data.Binary.Put 
import qualified Data.ByteString   as BS 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BL 

data SState = SState { 
    wsPosition :: Int 
    -- plus whatever else 

initialState = SState 0 
-- S.StateT SState PutM is a composed monad, with a state layer above PutM. 
type StatePut = S.StateT SState PutM() 

class StateBinary a where 
    sput :: a -> StatePut 

incPos :: Int -> StatePut 
incPos amnt = do 
    (SState p) <- S.get 
    S.put $ SState (p + amnt) 

writeSized :: Int -> (a -> Put) -> a -> StatePut 
writeSized n f x = do 
        incPos n 
        -- lift runs a computation in the underlying monad. 
        S.lift (f x) 

writeInt32 :: Int -> StatePut 
writeInt32 = writeSized 32 putWord32be . fromIntegral 

writeBS :: BS.ByteString -> StatePut 
writeBS b = writeSized (BS.length b) putByteString b 

data SomeData = SomeData { 
    sdName :: BS.ByteString 
    , sdAge :: Int 
    , sdN :: Int 
} deriving (Show, Eq) 

instance StateBinary SomeData where 
    sput (SomeData nm a n) = do 
      writeBS nm 
      writeInt32 a 
      writeInt32 n 

testData = SomeData "TestName" 30 100 

runSPut :: StateBinary a => a -> BL.ByteString 
runSPut a = runPut $ S.evalStateT (sput a) initialState 

-- *Main> runSPut testData 

非常好,它完美的作品,謝謝! – Compo



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 

import   Data.Monoid 
import qualified Data.Binary    as B 
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder  as BU 
import qualified Data.ByteString   as BS 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BL 

data SomeData = SomeData { 
    sdName :: BS.ByteString 
    , sdAge :: Int 
    , sdN :: Int 
} deriving (Show, Eq) 

testData :: SomeData 
testData = SomeData "TestName" 30 100 

renderData :: SomeData -> BU.Builder 
renderData (SomeData n a i) = mconcat $ 
    BU.fromByteString n : map (BU.fromLazyByteString . B.encode) [a,i] 

test :: BL.ByteString 
test = BU.toLazyByteString . renderData $ testData 



謝謝,我會看看與上面的州代碼一起實施。我是否正確地說,爲了這個工作,我需要爲我的數據類型中的每個字段使用二進制實例,以使B.encode調用正常工作? – Compo


您只需要一種方法將您的字段變成「Builder」。 'Data.Binary'爲您提供了'ByteString','Word'和'Char'的方法。使用'encode'只是一種方便,因爲它隱藏了'Int'序列化的細節(這很容易出錯 - 在64位機器上可能會出現截斷錯誤),但是可以使用putWordX。 fromIntegral'而不是你最初做的。 – Fixnum


另外,製作'Binary'實例[很簡單](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/binary-。 – Fixnum