2015-04-02 77 views






package com.comp452.tme21; 

public class Connections { 

    private int cost; 
    private int x; 
    private int y; 

    public Connections(int cost, int x, int y) { 
     this.cost = cost; 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 

    public int getCost() { 
     return cost; 

    public void setCost(int cost) { 
     this.cost = cost; 

    public int getX() { 
     return x; 

    public void setX(int x) { 
     this.x = x; 

    public int getY() { 
     return y; 

    public void setY(int y) { 
     this.y = y; 



package com.comp452.tme21; 

import java.util.Comparator; 

public class FullNodeComparator implements Comparator<MapNode> { 

    public int compare(MapNode n1, MapNode n2) { 
     if (n1.getX() == n2.getX()) { 
      if (n1.getY() == n2.getY()) { 
       return 1; 
     return 0; 



package com.comp452.tme21; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 

public class MapNode { 

    private int costSoFar; 
    private int x; 
    private int y; 
    private int connectionX; 
    private int connectionY; 

    private final ArrayList connectionsList; 

    private final int MAPSIZE = Pathfinder.MAPSIZE - 1; 

    public ArrayList getConnectionsList() { 
     return connectionsList; 

    public MapNode(int costSoFar, int x, int y, int connectionX, int connectionY) { 
     this.costSoFar = costSoFar; 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 
     this.connectionX = connectionX; 
     this.connectionY = connectionY; 

     connectionsList = new ArrayList(); 


    public int getCostSoFar() { 
     return costSoFar; 

    public void setCostSoFar(int costSoFar) { 
     this.costSoFar = costSoFar; 

    public int getX() { 
     return x; 

    public void setX(int x) { 
     this.x = x; 

    public int getY() { 
     return y; 

    public void setY(int y) { 
     this.y = y; 

    public int getConnectionX() { 
     return connectionX; 

    public void setConnectionX(int connectionX) { 
     this.connectionX = connectionX; 

    public int getConnectionY() { 
     return connectionY; 

    public void setConnectionY(int connectionY) { 
     this.connectionY = connectionY; 

    public void setConnections() { 
     int tileMap[][] = Pathfinder.getTileMap(); 

     int testX = 0; 
     int testY = 0; 

     // Is node not at the top of the map... 
     if (this.y != MAPSIZE) { 
      // If not obstacle... 
      if (tileMap[this.x][this.y + 1] != 0) { 
       // If connection isn't back to start node... 
       testX = this.x; 
       testY = this.y + 1; 
       if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

       else { 
        // Add the connection to the node directly above. 
        connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x][this.y + 1], this.x, this.y + 1)); 
        System.out.println("TM Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + this.x + "," + (this.y+1)); 
      // Is node not at the left side of the map... 
      if (this.x != 1) { 
       // If not obstacle... 
       if (tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y + 1] != 0) { 
        // If connection isn't back to start node... 
        testX = this.x - 1; 
        testY = this.y + 1; 
        if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

        else { 
         // Add the connection to the top left node. 
         connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y + 1], this.x - 1, this.y + 1)); 
         System.out.println("TL Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x-1) + "," + (this.y+1)); 
      // Is node not at the right side of the map... 
      if (this.x != MAPSIZE) { 
       // If not obstacle... 
       if (tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y + 1] != 0) { 
        // If connection isn't back to start node... 
        testX = this.x + 1; 
        testY = this.y + 1; 
        if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

        else { 
         // Add the connection to the top right node. 
         connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y + 1 ], this.x + 1, this.y + 1)); 
         System.out.println("TR Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x+1) + "," + (this.y+1)); 

     // Is node not at the left side of the screen... 
     if (this.x != 1) { 
      // If not obstacle... 
      if (tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y] != 0) { 
       // If connection isn't back to start node... 
       testX = this.x - 1; 
       testY = this.y; 
       if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

       else { 
        // Add the connection to the left node. 
        connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y], this.x - 1, this.y)); 
        System.out.println("LM Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x-1) + "," + this.y); 

     // Is node not at the right side of the screen... 
     if (this.x != MAPSIZE) { 
      // If not obstacle... 
      if (tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y] != 0) { 

       // If connection isn't back to start node... 
       testX = this.x + 1; 
       testY = this.y; 
       if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

       else { 
        // Add the connection to the right node. 
        connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y], this.x + 1, this.y)); 
        System.out.println("RM Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x+1) + "," + this.y); 

     // Is node not at the bottom of the map... 
     if (this.y != 1) { 
      // If not obstacle... 
      if (tileMap[this.x][this.y - 1] != 0) { 

       // If connection isn't back to start node... 
       testX = this.x; 
       testY = this.y - 1; 
       if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

       else { 
        // Add the connection to the node directly below. 
        connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x][this.y - 1 ], this.x, this.y - 1)); 
        System.out.println("BM Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + this.x + "," + (this.y - 1)); 
      // Is node not at the left side of the map... 
      if (this.x != 1) { 
       // If not obstacle... 
       if (tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y - 1] != 0) { 
        // If connection isn't back to start node... 
        testX = this.x - 1; 
        testY = this.y - 1; 
        if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

        else { 
         // Add the connection to the bottom left node. 
         connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x - 1][this.y - 1], this.x - 1, this.y - 1)); 
         System.out.println("BL Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x-1) + "," + (this.y-1)); 
      // Is node not at the right side of the map... 
      if (this.x != MAPSIZE) { 
       // If not obstacle... 
       if (tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y - 1] != 0) { 
        // If connection isn't back to start node... 
        testX = this.x + 1; 
        testY = this.y - 1; 
        if (testX == 1 && testY == 1) { 

        else { 
         // Add the connection to the bottom right node. 
         connectionsList.add(new Connections(tileMap[this.x + 1][this.y - 1], this.x + 1, this.y - 1)); 
         System.out.println("BR Added connection from " + this.x + "," + this.y + " to " + (this.x+1) + "," + (this.y-1)); 

    public int compareTo(MapNode n2) { 
     if (x == n2.getX()) { 
      if (y == n2.getY()) { 
       return 1; 
     return 0; 


package com.comp452.tme21; 

import java.util.Comparator; 

    public class NodeComparator implements Comparator<MapNode> { 

     public int compare(MapNode n1, MapNode n2) { 
      return Integer.compare(n1.getCostSoFar(), n2.getCostSoFar()); 



package com.comp452.tme21; 

import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL20; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.Random; 
import java.util.Stack; 

public class Pathfinder extends ApplicationAdapter { 
    protected final static int MAPSIZE = 5; //17 

     SpriteBatch batch; 
    Texture openTile, grassTile, swampTile, obstacleTile; 
     Texture startTile, finishTile,drawingTile; 

     private Player player; 
     private Sprite playerSprite; 
     private Texture texture; 

     private final static int[][] tileMap = new int[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; 

     public static int[][] getTileMap() { 
      return tileMap; 

     private int startX; 
     private int startY; 

     private int finishX; 
     private int finishY; 

     private ArrayList closed; 
     private ArrayList open; 

     private MapNode startNode; 
     private MapNode currentNode; 
     private MapNode nextNode; 
     private MapNode testNode; 

     private ArrayList nodeConnectionsList; 

     private Connections nextConnection; 

     private Stack pathList; 

    public void create() { 


      batch = new SpriteBatch(); 

      openTile = new Texture("open.jpg"); 
      grassTile = new Texture("grass.jpg"); 
      swampTile = new Texture("swamp.jpg"); 
      obstacleTile = new Texture("obstacle.jpg"); 
      startTile = new Texture("start.jpg"); 
      finishTile = new Texture("finish.jpg"); 

      texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("player.png")); 
      playerSprite = new Sprite(texture); 
      player = new Player(playerSprite); 




    public void render() { 

      Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); 

     public void drawTiles() { 

      for (int i = 1; i < MAPSIZE; i ++) { 
       for (int j = 1; j < MAPSIZE; j++) { 
        if (tileMap[i][j] == 1) { 
         drawingTile = openTile; 
        else if (tileMap[i][j] == 3) { 
        drawingTile = grassTile; 
        else if (tileMap[i][j] == 4) { 
         drawingTile = swampTile; 
        else if (tileMap[i][j] == 0) { 
         drawingTile = obstacleTile; 

        else if (tileMap[i][j] == -1) { 
         drawingTile = startTile; 

        else if (tileMap[i][j] == 2) { 
         drawingTile = finishTile; 

        batch.draw(drawingTile, i * 32, j * 32); 

     public void update(float dt) { 

     public void generateTiles() { 

      int cost = 0; 

      Random rand = new Random(); 

      for (int i = 1; i < MAPSIZE; i++) { 
       for (int j = 1; j < MAPSIZE; j++) { 

        int randomNum = rand.nextInt((4-1) +1) + 1; 

        switch (randomNum) { 

         case 1: 
          cost = 1; 
         case 2: 
          cost = 3; 
         case 3: 
          cost = 4; 
         case 4: 
          cost = 0; 
        tileMap[i][j] = cost; 

      startX = rand.nextInt(((MAPSIZE - 1) -1) +1) + 1; 
      startY = rand.nextInt(((MAPSIZE - 1) -1) +1) + 1; 

      startX = 1; 
      startY = 1; 

      tileMap[startX][startY] = -1; 

      finishX = rand.nextInt(((MAPSIZE - 1) -1) +1) + 1; 
      finishY = rand.nextInt(((MAPSIZE - 1) -1) +1) + 1; 

      finishX = 4; 
      finishY = 4; 

      tileMap[finishX][finishY] = 2; 

     public void findThePath() { 
      System.out.println("Start node is at " + startX + " " + startY); 
      startNode = new MapNode(0, startX, startY, 0, 0); 

      closed = new ArrayList(); 
      open = new ArrayList(); 

      while (open.size() > 0) { 

       Collections.sort(open, new NodeComparator()); 
       currentNode = (MapNode) open.get(0); 

       boolean nodeIsClosed = false; 
       boolean nodeIsOpen = false; 

       // If the smallest element is the goal node, stop. 
       if (currentNode.getX() == finishX && currentNode.getY() == finishY) { 
        System.out.println("Found last node at " + currentNode.getX() + " " + currentNode.getY()); 
       else { 
        nodeConnectionsList = currentNode.getConnectionsList(); 

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeConnectionsList.size(); i++) { 
         nextConnection = (Connections) nodeConnectionsList.get(i); 
         int nextX = nextConnection.getX(); 
         int nextY = nextConnection.getY(); 
         int nextCost = nextConnection.getCost(); 

         nextNode = new MapNode(currentNode.getCostSoFar() + nextCost, nextX, nextY, currentNode.getX(), currentNode.getY()); 

         // If node is already in the closed list, set flag to continue. 
         for (int j = 0; j < closed.size(); j++) { 
          testNode = (MapNode) closed.get(j); 
          if (nextNode.compareTo(testNode) == 1) { 
           nodeIsClosed = true; 
         // If flag is set, continue to next iteration. 
         if (nodeIsClosed) { 
          nodeIsClosed = false; 

         // If node is already in open list, check to see if it's better. 
         for (int j = 0; j < open.size(); j++) { 
          testNode = (MapNode) open.get(j); 
          if (nextNode.compareTo(testNode) == 1) { 
           nodeIsOpen = true; 

           if (nextNode.getCostSoFar() > testNode.getCostSoFar()){ 
            // Do nothing. 
           else { 
            System.out.println("Found better route to " + nextNode.getX() + " " + nextNode.getY()); 
            System.out.println("From " + currentNode.getX() + " " + currentNode.getY()); 

         if (nodeIsOpen) { 
          nodeIsOpen = false; 
         else { 
        closed.add(new MapNode(currentNode.getCostSoFar(), currentNode.getX(), currentNode.getY(), currentNode.getConnectionX(), currentNode.getConnectionY())); 



      int totalCost = 0; 

      pathList = new Stack(); 
      // Find the end node and get it's first connection. 
      for (int i = 0; i < closed.size(); i++) { 

       testNode = (MapNode) closed.get(i); 
       if (testNode.getX() == finishX) { 
        if (testNode.getY() == finishY) { 
         pathList.push(new Connections(totalCost, finishX, finishY)); 
         System.out.println("finish x: " + finishX); 
         System.out.println("finish y: " + finishY); 
         System.out.println("FromX: " + testNode.getConnectionX()); 
         System.out.println("FromY: " + testNode.getConnectionY()); 
         totalCost = testNode.getCostSoFar(); 
         System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost); 

      int findingX = testNode.getConnectionX(); 
      int findingY = testNode.getConnectionY(); 

      do { 
       for (int i = 0; i < closed.size(); i++) { 
        testNode = (MapNode) closed.get(i); 
        if (testNode.getX() == findingX) { 
         if (testNode.getY() == findingX) { 
          System.out.println("x: " + findingX); 
          System.out.println("y: " + findingY); 
          System.out.println("FromX: " + testNode.getConnectionX()); 
          System.out.println("FromY: " + testNode.getConnectionY()); 
          totalCost = testNode.getCostSoFar(); 

          pathList.push(new Connections(totalCost, findingX, findingY)); 
          findingX = testNode.getConnectionX(); 
          findingY = testNode.getConnectionY(); 
        if (closed.isEmpty()) { 
         System.out.println("Closed list is empty"); 

      } while((findingX != 0 && findingY != 0) && (findingX != startX && findingY != startY)); 

      Connections testConnection; 
      System.out.println("Path Size: " + pathList.size()); 
      while (!pathList.empty()) { 

       testConnection = (Connections) pathList.pop(); 
       System.out.println("TC X: " + testConnection.getX()); 
       System.out.println("TC Y: " + testConnection.getY()); 



package com.comp452.tme21; 

import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Batch; 
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite; 

public class Player extends Sprite { 

    public int gridX; 
    public int gridY; 

    public Player(Sprite sprite) { 

    public void draw(Batch batch) { 

     batch.draw(this.getTexture(), this.getX(), this.getY()); 

    public void update(float dt) { 


    public int getCenterX() { 
     int centerX = (int) (getX() + getWidth() /2); 

     return centerX; 

    public int getCenterY() { 
     int centerY = (int) (getY() + getHeight() /2); 

     return centerY; 

    public int getGridX() { 
     int gX = (int) (getX()/32); 

     return gX; 

    public int getGridY() { 
     int gY = (int) (getY()/32); 

     return gY; 

    public void setGridX(int x) { 
     setX(x * 32); 

    public void setGridY(int y) { 
     setY(y * 32); 

-Dijkstra's-尋路無法正常工作?或者 - 你的尋路工作不正常... – Atsby 2015-04-02 02:54:10


調試什麼?你將能夠找到你的bug在哪裏 – rzysia 2015-04-02 07:18:58


我的版本不工作。但有時候它確實存在,我無法弄清楚它爲什麼不起作用。 – 2015-04-02 14:03:40





if (testNode.getX() == findingX) { 
    if (testNode.getY() == findingX) { 

