function closeOrRefreshPageEvents() {
// This submit event is used ONLY to run the validation when the user clicks "Cancel" to stay on the page
$("#formUpdateInstallations").submit(function (event) {
form: '#formUpdateInstallations',
validateOnBlur: false, // disable validation when input looses focus
errorMessagePosition: 'top',
scrollToTopOnError: true, // Set this property to true if you have a long form
onError: function() {
alert('Validation failed');
onSuccess: function() {
alert('The form is valid!');
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {
// Check if at least one Installation has been modified
var installationsChanged = false;
for (var z = 0; z < arrayOfInstallationsToUpdate.length; z++) {
if (arrayOfInstallationsToUpdate[z].modifiedRecord == "true") {
installationsChanged = true;
// If any Installation has been changed then we warn the user, if he clicks "Cancel" then we submit the form only to run the Validation rules
if (installationsChanged) {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 1);
return 'You will loose your changes if you continue!';
你可以把它扔在鋼筆或小提琴嗎?這對獲得快速幫助將有很大的幫助。 – Todd 2014-12-04 21:52:38
謝謝託德。但我認爲把所有的邏輯放在小提琴上並不容易:/ – Walloud 2014-12-04 22:19:35
不用擔心,男人。但是我使用codepen編寫整個站點的情況並不少見。大聲笑。 https://stre.am - codepen - >崇高的製表符縮進 - >回購 – Todd 2014-12-04 23:29:18