var delta = 2; // specify the delta you want
var initialImgScrollTop = $("img").offset().top; // get the current top position of your image
var initialImgScrollLeft = $("img").offset().left;
$("#div1").scroll(function (event) {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
\t $("img").animate({ top: initialImgScrollTop - st * delta }, 10); // compute the position your image should be
var scrollHeight = $('#div2').prop('scrollHeight') - $('#div2').innerHeight(); // get the scroll height
var initialMiddleScroll = scrollHeight/2; // compute the middle scroll
$("#div2").scrollTop(initialMiddleScroll); // set the scroll to middle so you can go left and right
$("#div2").scroll(function (event) {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
\t $("img").animate({ left: initialImgScrollLeft + (st - initialMiddleScroll) * delta }, 10); // compute the position your image should be
div {
width: 150px;
overflow: scroll;
display: inline-block;
img {
position: absolute;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="div1">This is just some stupid text unworthy of being read, so please don't waste
<br>your time reading this nonesense.
<br>Hey! why are you still reading this garbage?
<br>Stop reading now and start doing something useful, such as getting this leaf to move up
<br>while you scroll this page.
<br>On second thought, maybe just continue reading.
<br>This might be more productive then whatever
<br>it is you were doing before.</div>
<div id="div2">This is just some stupid text unworthy of being read, so please don't waste
<br>your time reading this nonesense.
<br>Hey! why are you still reading this garbage?
<br>Stop reading now and start doing something useful, such as getting this leaf to move up
<br>while you scroll this page.
<br>On second thought, maybe just continue reading.
<br>This might be more productive then whatever
<br>it is you were doing before.</div>
<img src="http://sweetclipart.com/multisite/sweetclipart/files/imagecache/middle/nature_seasons_spring_leaf_green.png">
----- ----- UPDATE
我將試圖解釋在你的代碼正是打破。 讓我們從理想的情況下,開始時,你的代碼工作:
- 向下滾動
- 最終滾動位置被計算爲10px(從10增加至10)
- 滾動觸發動畫
- 動畫開始
- 滾動位置從0像素變爲10px的
- 動畫結束
- 你向下滾動再次,循環...
- 向下滾動
- 最終滾動位置1計算爲10px
- 滾動觸發動畫1
- 動畫1開始
- 滾動位置從0px變爲3px
- 向下滾動再次
- 最終滾動位置2被計算爲13像素(3 + 10)
- 動畫2開始
- 滾動位置去的3px爲10px
- 動畫1結束
- 滾動位置從10px的變爲13像素(動畫2的最終位置)
- 動畫2結束
謝謝Wing-on,你的回答完美無缺!這正是我想要的,但我想更多地瞭解這個問題。你能否詳細說明動畫需要10毫秒才能結束? –
添加一個更新,我將如何使這項工作的左側和右側,而不是頂部?如果我簡單地用左取代頂部,圖像捕捉到一個位置,然後從那裏進行動畫處理。 –
@SanjeevRajasekaran我更新了我的答案。 –