2017-06-20 61 views


class Dummy: 
    def __init__(self, value: int, previous: Dummy=None): 
     self._value = value 
     self._previous = previous 

    def value(self): 
     return self._value 

    def plus_previous(self): 
     return self.value + self._previous.value 

d1 = Dummy(7) 
d2 = Dummy(3, d1) 


NameError: name 'Dummy' is not defined 

我的意思是,我能做到這一點了Python 2的方式,但我希望有比這更蟒蛇-3-IC解決方案:

class Dummy: 
    def __init__(self, value: int, previous=None): 
     assert type(previous) is Dummy or previous is None 

PS:很明顯,我不能使用: 類型(個體經營) 自我未簽名沒有定義。我只能這樣做: assert type(previous)is type(self) 這至少是一個小改進 –


另外,你意識到類型提示不會像'assert'語句那樣工作,對嗎?他們沒有執行。他們是*提示*。 –




class Dummy: 
    def __init__(self, value: int, previous: 'Dummy'=None): 
     self._value = value 
     self._previous = previous 

    def value(self): 
     return self._value 

    def plus_previous(self): 
     return self.value + self._previous.value
如在 PEP-484在類型提示描述

When a type hint contains names that have not been defined yet, that definition may be expressed as a string literal, to be resolved later.

A situation where this occurs commonly is the definition of a container class, where the class being defined occurs in the signature of some of the methods. For example, the following code (the start of a simple binary tree implementation) does not work:

class Tree: 
    def __init__(self, left: Tree, right: Tree): 
     self.left = left 
     self.right = right 

To address this, we write:

class Tree: 
    def __init__(self, left: 'Tree', right: 'Tree'): 
     self.left = left 
     self.right = right 

The string literal should contain a valid Python expression (i.e., compile(lit, '', 'eval') should be a valid code object) and it should evaluate without errors once the module has been fully loaded. The local and global namespace in which it is evaluated should be the same namespaces in which default arguments to the same function would be evaluated.

