private static List<Schedule> GetFilteredScheduleList()
List<Schedule>oldScheduleList=new List<Schedule>();
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), Id = 1, Name = "1st of the month", Period = SchedulePeriod.Monthly });
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 4), Id = 1, Name = "4th of the month", Period = SchedulePeriod.Monthly });
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 19), Id = 1, Name = "19th of the month", Period = SchedulePeriod.Monthly });
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2012, 1, 3), Id = 1, Name = "3rd of each quarter", Period = SchedulePeriod.Quarterly });
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 8), Id = 1, Name = "8th each quarter", Period = SchedulePeriod.Quarterly });
oldScheduleList.Add(new Schedule { PayDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 17), Id = 1, Name = "17th of the month", Period = SchedulePeriod.Quarterly });
// Need to create a new list containing 1 item for each period that is nearest to its Pay Date.Starting point it's today's date.
// so the list should return 2 items "1st of the month" and "17th of the month" as they are the closest to their paydate in their period
List<Schedule> newScheduleList = oldScheduleList.Where(x=>x.PayDate)
感謝您reply.That works.What大約只是比較週期內的日期並獲得first.That是真的我很抱歉,因爲沒有正確解釋,謝謝你的幫助 – user9969 2010-12-15 12:05:56
夢幻般的所有作品。如果你有時間可以解釋math.abs在你的第一個答案中做了什麼。再次感謝 – user9969 2010-12-15 14:20:08
Math.Abs給出了它的單個參數的絕對值。其邏輯如下所示:對於值x,如果x <0,則返回-x else return x。因此它具有從負數剝離負號的效果。我們可以用它來獲得兩個值之間差異的大小。例如2和4的差值爲2.我們可以計算如下:Math.Abs(2-4)或Math.Abs(4-2),在這兩種情況下答案都是2. – spender 2010-12-15 20:59:11