2013-07-23 192 views

下面的代碼工作正常時,不使用IE瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)我測試了它與版本10,但我認爲它可能是大多數/所有這些,在Chrome和Safari瀏覽器中工作正常,您可以排序它和搜索每一行顯示,但在IE瀏覽器中,即使你點擊刷新href /鏈接沒有發生在IE瀏覽器中。Tablesort在IE中無法正常工作






<table id="tablesorter-demo" class="tablesorter"> 
    <th>Last Name</th> 
    <th>First Name</th> 
    <th>Web Site</th> 
    <td>[email protected]</td> 
    <td>[email protected]</td> 
    <td>[email protected]</td> 
    <td>[email protected]</td> 
<a id="append" href="#">Refresh Page</a>  


$(function() { 

    var $table = $("#tablesorter-demo"); 

    $("#append").click(function(e) { 


      type: 'POST', 
      url: '/echo/json/', 
      data: { 
       json: JSON.stringify({ 
        table: '<tr> <td>Smith</td><td>Frank</td><td>[email protected]</td><td>$50.00</td> <td>http://www.frank.com</td></tr><tr><td>Jones</td><td>Frank</td><td>[email protected]</td><td>$50.00</td> <td>http://www.frank.com</td></tr>', 
      success: function(response) { 


       $table.trigger("update", [true]); 

     /*$.get('updatetable.php', function(data) { 
      $table.trigger("update", [true]); 


    // call the tablesorter plugin 
    theme: 'blue', 

    // hidden filter input/selects will resize the columns, so try to minimize the change 
    widthFixed : true, 

    //sortList: [[2,0],[1,0]], 

    // initialize zebra striping and filter widgets 
    widgets: ["zebra", "filter"], 

    headers: { }, 

    widgetOptions : { 

     // If there are child rows in the table (rows with class name from "cssChildRow" option) 
     // and this option is true and a match is found anywhere in the child row, then it will make that row 
     // visible; default is false 
     filter_childRows : false, 

     // if true, a filter will be added to the top of each table column; 
     // disabled by using -> headers: { 1: { filter: false } } OR add class="filter-false" 
     // if you set this to false, make sure you perform a search using the second method below 
     filter_columnFilters : true, 

     // css class applied to the table row containing the filters & the inputs within that row 
     filter_cssFilter : 'tablesorter-filter', 

     // class added to filtered rows (rows that are not showing); needed by pager plugin 
     filter_filteredRow : 'filtered', 

     // add custom filter elements to the filter row 
     // see the filter formatter demos for more specifics 
     filter_formatter : null, 

     // add custom filter functions using this option 
     // see the filter widget custom demo for more specifics on how to use this option 
     filter_functions : null, 

     // if true, filters are collapsed initially, but can be revealed by hovering over the grey bar immediately 
     // below the header row. Additionally, tabbing through the document will open the filter row when an input gets focus 
     filter_hideFilters : false, // true, (see note in the options section above) 

     // Set this option to false to make the searches case sensitive 
     filter_ignoreCase : true, 

     // if true, search column content while the user types (with a delay) 
     filter_liveSearch : true, 

     // jQuery selector string of an element used to reset the filters 
     filter_reset : 'button.reset', 

     // Delay in milliseconds before the filter widget starts searching; This option prevents searching for 
     // every character while typing and should make searching large tables faster. 
     filter_searchDelay : 300, 

     // if true, server-side filtering should be performed because client-side filtering will be disabled, but 
     // the ui and events will still be used. 
     filter_serversideFiltering: false, 

     // Set this option to true to use the filter to find text from the start of the column 
     // So typing in "a" will find "albert" but not "frank", both have a's; default is false 
     filter_startsWith : false, 

     // Filter using parsed content for ALL columns 
     // be careful on using this on date columns as the date is parsed and stored as time in seconds 
     filter_useParsedData : false 




http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16883663/jquery-security-error-in-opera-and-internet-explorer這個答案可能會幫助你,請將jquery版本從1.10.1升級到1.10.2或2.0 .3,這是一個錯誤在1.10.1杉IE版本 – Devjosh


你的小提琴說不同的故事 – Devjosh


@Devjosh你是對的,對不起:( – msvuze




例如,以下內容:在JS =的tablesorter頭


類名稱爲哪種風格在CSS =報頭中定義


table.tablesorter thead tr .tablesorter-header { 
    background-image: url(http://tablesorter.com/themes/blue/bg.gif); 
    background-repeat: no-repeat; 
    background-position: center right; 
    cursor: pointer; 
table.tablesorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerAsc { 
    background-image: url(http://tablesorter.com/themes/blue/asc.gif); 
table.tablesorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerDesc { 
    background-image: url(http://tablesorter.com/themes/blue/desc.gif); 
table.tablesorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerAsc, table.tablesorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerDesc { 
    background-color: #8dbdd8; 

問題2 - 看起來有可能會有一些問題與表分揀機JS,你是其中。嘗試一個可用的here