要回答你原來的問題,你必須首先激活該工作簿,然後關閉活動工作簿。 然而,在一個函數中做這件事是非常糟糕的做法,並且很可能以非直觀的方式執行。
Function GetField(Path As String, WorksheetName As String, CellRange As String) As Variant
wb.Activate 'Activate the opened workbook
ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
ActiveWorkbook.Close 'Close the active workbook
End Function
Sub closeWB(Path As String)
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = GetObject(Path)
ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Sub YourMainSub()
Path = "C:\Users\you\Desktop\file example.xlsm"
something.GetField(Path, "Sheet 1", "A1")
Call closeWB(Path)
End Sub
我可以把數據導入(我們Call DataLoop()
'The function that imports the data
Public Function GetField(Path, file, WorksheetName, CellRange) As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, field As String
If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path & "\"
If Dir(Path & file) = "" Then
GetField = "File Not Found"
Exit Function
End If
field = "'" & Path & "[" & file & "]" & WorksheetName & "'!" & Range(CellRange).Range("A1").Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
GetField = ExecuteExcel4Macro(field)
End Function
'A loop that calls on the function
Sub DataLoop(DataRange As Range, SourceRow As Long, SourceColumn As Integer, Path, file, WorksheetName)
Dim rcell
For Each rcell In DataRange
rcell.Value = GetField(Path, file, WorksheetName, Cells(SourceRow, SourceColumn).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False))
SourceColumn = SourceColumn + 1
Next rcell
End Sub
'The main routine where we define where data goes and comes from
Sub DataEntry()
Dim dataWS As Worksheet, Path1 As String, WsName1 As String
Dim testFileName As Range, file
Dim avgDmmV As Range, avgPSTATADCV As Range, ppPSTATADCV As Range
Dim gainLO0A As Range, gainLO0B As Range, gainLOm10A As Range, gainLOm10B As Range
Dim gainLO10A As Range, gainLO10B As Range, gainLO20A As Range, gainLO20B As Range
Dim gainLO60A As Range, gainLO60B As Range
Set dataWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA")
Path1 = "\\server5\Operations\MainBoard testing central location DO NOT REMOVE or RENAME" 'File path Location
WsName1 = "Summary"
'The values of the cells in this range have the names of the .xls files
Set testFileName = dataWS.Range("A6", dataWS.Range("A6").End(xlDown))
For Each file In testFileName 'Loop through each file name
dataRow = file.Row
Set avgDmmV = dataWS.Range("C" & dataRow & ":F" & dataRow)
Set avgPSTATADCV = dataWS.Range("H" & dataRow & ":M" & dataRow)
Set ppPSTATADCV = dataWS.Range("Q" & dataRow & ":W" & dataRow)
Set gainLO0A = dataWS.Range("Y" & dataRow & ":AG" & dataRow)
Set gainLO0B = dataWS.Range("AI" & dataRow & ":AQ" & dataRow)
Set gainLOm10A = dataWS.Range("AS" & dataRow & ":BA" & dataRow)
Set gainLOm10B = dataWS.Range("BC" & dataRow & ":BK" & dataRow)
Set gainLO10A = dataWS.Range("BM" & dataRow & ":BU" & dataRow)
Set gainLO10B = dataWS.Range("BW" & dataRow & ":CE" & dataRow)
Set gainLO20A = dataWS.Range("CG" & dataRow & ":CO" & dataRow)
Set gainLO20B = dataWS.Range("CQ" & dataRow & ":CY" & dataRow)
Set gainLO60A = dataWS.Range("DA" & dataRow & ":DI" & dataRow)
Set gainLO60B = dataWS.Range("DK" & dataRow & ":DS" & dataRow)
Call DataLoop(avgDmmV, 9, 5, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(avgPSTATADCV, 15, 5, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(ppPSTATADCV, 18, 5, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO0A, 31, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO0B, 32, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLOm10A, 33, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLOm10B, 34, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO10A, 35, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO10B, 36, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO20A, 37, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO20B, 38, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO60A, 39, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Call DataLoop(gainLO60B, 40, 3, Path1, CStr(file.Value), WsName1)
Next file
End Sub
您正在嘗試使用'Function',但在其中有'Application.Quit'。我不確定你是否可以這樣做。相反,把它變成一個'Sub'(你將不得不爲那些正在傳遞的變量創建變量),看看它是否有效。 – BruceWayne
你永遠不會告訴它什麼工作簿關閉。 –
@DougCoats,我也試過了。關閉 其中wb = GetObject(Path)或 GetObject(Path).Close SaveChanges:= True – Allan