double balance, interestRate, targetBalance; //creating three doubles
Console.WriteLine("What is your current balance?"); //writing to the console
balance = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); //reading what the user inputs & converting it to a double
Console.WriteLine("What is your current annual interest (in %)?");
interestRate = 1 + Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); //same as above
Console.WriteLine("What balanec would you like to have?");
targetBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); //same as above
int totalYears = 0; //creates an int variable for the total years
balance *= interestRate; //multiplying balance x interest rate
++totalYears; // adding 1 to the total years
while (balance < targetBalance); //only do the above when balance is less than target balance
if (balance < targetBalance)
Console.WriteLine("In {0} year{1} you'll have a balance of {2}.", totalYears, totalYears == 1 ? "" : "s", balance); //writing the results to the console
else if (targetBalance < balance)
Console.WriteLine("Your balance is bigger than the target amount");
Console.ReadKey(); //leaving the results there until the user inputs a key
什麼是調試器告訴你,當你通過代碼? –
我添加了大括號,因爲有一個不必要的換行符。 –