2013-06-02 21 views


RegID State County RegulationName Regulation 
    1  CA    weight   10 pounds  
    1  CA    distance  20 miles 
    2  CA  Orange distance  22 miles 




總是顯示縣級所有法規的完整列表的方式是什麼?返回縣級未覆蓋的隱含州級規定。 例如:

RegId State County RegulationName Regulation 
    1  CA    weight   10 pounds  
    1  CA    distance  20 miles 
    2  CA  Orange weight   10 pounds 
    2  CA  Orange distance  22 miles 

當一個值是由多個局部調節取代,是獲勝價值總是最低還是最高,或者只是更本地? – HABO


更多本地獲勝 – ob213




declare @Regulations as Table (RegulationId Int Identity, RegId Int, State VarChar(2), 
    County VarChar(16), RegulationName VarChar(16), Regulation VarChar(16)); 

insert into @Regulations (RegId, State, County, RegulationName, Regulation) values 
    (1, 'CA', NULL, 'weight', '10 pounds'), 
    (1, 'CA', NULL, 'distance', '20 miles'), 
    (2, 'CA', 'Orange', 'distance', '22 miles'), 
    (3, 'NY', NULL, 'weight', '1 stone'), 
    (4, 'NY', 'NYC', 'weight', '16 grams'), 
    (5, 'ND', NULL, 'shoe size', '9E'); 

select * from @Regulations; 

-- Start with all of the explicitly stated regulations. 
select RegId, State, County, RegulationName, Regulation, 'Explicit' as [Type] 
    from @Regulations 
union all 
-- Then add all of the missing county level regulations. 
select L.RegId, L.State, C.County, L.RegulationName, L.Regulation, 'Implicit' 
    from @Regulations as L cross join 
    (select distinct County, State from @Regulations where County is not NULL) as C left outer join 
    @Regulations as R on R.State = L.State and R.County = C.County and R.RegulationName = L.RegulationName 
    -- Where the regulation applies at the state level (L.County is NULL) and 
    -- there is no matching county level row (R.County is NULL from the LEFT OUTER JOIN). 
    where L.County is NULL and R.County is NULL and C.State = L.State 
    order by State, County, RegulationName; 