2014-09-01 37 views

我正在學習C和它在文本文件中讀取的任務之一,並讓它輸出格式化的文本文件。最終的產品應該是這樣的:閱讀和格式化文本文件在ansi c

1)"I must not fear.[4,17] 
2)Fear is the mind-killer.[4,24] 
3)Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.[8,56] 
4)I will face my fear.[5,20] 
13 lines, 94 words, 481 characters 
Line 10 has the most words (16) 
Line 7 has the most characters (68) 


I must not fear0.) 
[4, 16] 
ear is the mind-killer.0) 
[7 39] 
ear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.0) 
[14 92] 
[86 470] 
1 lines, 20360 words, 110685 characters 
line 1 has the most words with (86) 
line 1 has the most characters with 470)  


#include <stdio.h> 

#define IN 1 
#define OUT 0 

void main() { 

    int c = 0; 
    int numChars = 0; 
    int numWords = 0; 
    int numLines = 0; 
    int state = OUT; 
    int test = 0; 
    int largestNumChars = 0; 
    int largestNumWords = 0; 
    int totalNumChars = 0; 
    int totalNumWords = 0; 
    int lineWithMostChars = 0; 
    int lineWithMostWords = 0; 

    FILE *doesthiswork = fopen("testWords.in", "r"); 
    while ((test = fgetc(doesthiswork)) != EOF) { 
    if (test == '\n') { 
    while ((test = fgetc(doesthiswork)) != '\n') {  
     if (test == ' ' || test == '\t' || test == '\n') {  
      state = OUT; 
     } else if (state == OUT){ 
      state = IN; 
     totalNumWords = totalNumWords + numWords; 
     totalNumChars = totalNumChars + numChars;  

    if (largestNumChars == 0) { 
     largestNumChars = numChars; 
    } else if (largestNumChars < numChars) { 
     largestNumChars = numChars; 
     lineWithMostChars = numLines; 
    } else { 
     largestNumChars = largestNumChars; 
     lineWithMostChars = lineWithMostChars; 

    if (largestNumWords == 0) { 
     largestNumWords = numWords; 
     lineWithMostWords = numLines; 
    } else if (largestNumWords < numWords) { 
     largestNumWords = numWords; 
     lineWithMostWords = lineWithMostWords; 
    } else { 
     largestNumWords = largestNumWords; 

    printf("%d) %c [%d %d]\n",numLines, test, numWords, numChars); 

    printf("%d lines, %d words, %d characters\n", 
    numLines, totalNumWords, totalNumChars); 
    printf("line %d has the most words with (%d)\n", 
    lineWithMostWords, largestNumWords); 
    printf("line %d has the most characters with (%d)\n", 
    lineWithMostChars, largestNumChars); 

如果您希望其他人能夠讀取您的代碼(而不是絕望地舉起雙手),請*一致並正確地對齊您的縮進。例如,乍一看你的第二個'while'循環結束時,一點都不清楚。 – 2014-09-01 01:17:32


什麼是'FILE * doesthiswork doesthiswork = fopen(「testWords.in」,「r」);'所有關於?我不認爲這是你的真實代碼。 – 2014-09-01 01:37:59


這實際上是我真正的代碼。我將輸出文件命名爲doesthiswork,因爲我不確定它是否會工作並需要文件名。 – user3579225 2014-09-01 01:39:39







首先,你在putchar()之前的行號。然後,在第二個whiletest總是存儲'\n',所以[numWords, numChars]總是在字母的下一行。正如@aecolley所說,numWords,numChars應該被重置爲零。

lineWithMostWords = lineWithMostWords; 


lineWithMostWords = numLines; 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stddef.h> 
#include <string.h> 

#define IN  1 
#define OUT  0 
#define MAXLINE 500 

void main() 
    int numChars = 0; 
    int numWords = 0; 
    int numLines = 0; 
    int state = OUT; 
    int test = 0; 
    int largestNumChars = 0; 
    int largestNumWords = 0; 
    int totalNumChars = 0; 
    int totalNumWords = 0; 
    int lineWithMostChars = 0; 
    int lineWithMostWords = 0; 
    char line[MAXLINE+1], *lineTemp; 
    int lineLen; 

    FILE *doesthiswork; 
    doesthiswork = fopen("testWords.in", "r"); 
    while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, doesthiswork) != NULL) 
     numChars = 0; 
     numWords = 0; 
     lineLen = strlen(line); 
     line[lineLen - 1] = '\0'; 
     lineTemp = line; 
     state = OUT; 


     while ((test = *lineTemp++) != '\0') 

      if (test == ' ' || test == '\t') 
       state = OUT; 
      else if (state == OUT){ 
       state = IN; 

     totalNumWords = totalNumWords + numWords; 
     totalNumChars = totalNumChars + numChars; 

     if (largestNumChars == 0) 
      largestNumChars = numChars; 
     else if (largestNumChars < numChars) 
      largestNumChars = numChars; 
      lineWithMostChars = numLines; 

     if (largestNumWords == 0) 
      largestNumWords = numWords; 
      lineWithMostWords = numLines; 
     else if (largestNumWords < numWords) 
      largestNumWords = numWords; 
      lineWithMostWords = numLines; 

     printf("%d) %s [%d %d]\n",numLines, line, numWords, numChars); 
    printf("%d lines, %d words, %d characters\n", numLines, totalNumWords, totalNumChars); 
    printf("line %d has the most words with (%d)\n", lineWithMostWords, largestNumWords); 
    printf("line %d has the most characters with (%d)\n", lineWithMostChars,  largestNumChars); 