2010-01-12 64 views







typedef double ThreeByThreeMatrix[3][3]; // 3x3 for an X, Y coordinate transformation matrix 


class Simple2DTransform 

    // Construction 

    // we always begin life as an identity matrix (you can then apply scale, skew, etc.) 

    // Operators 

    bool operator == (const Simple2DTransform & rhs) const 
     return memcmp(m_matrix, rhs.m_matrix, sizeof(m_matrix)) == 0; 

    Simple2DTransform & operator *= (const Simple2DTransform & rhs) 
     return *this = GetCrossProduct(rhs); 

    // Setup 

    // reset to the identity matrix 
    Simple2DTransform & Reset() 
     memcpy(m_matrix, GetIdentityMatrix(), sizeof(m_matrix)); 
     return *this; 

    // combine with the specified translation 
    Simple2DTransform & Translate(double x_shift, double y_shift) 
     Simple2DTransform transform; 
     translate(x_shift, y_shift, transform.m_matrix); 
     return *this *= transform; 

    // combine with the specified operations (these are cumulative operations, so rotating twice by 1 degree gives a total of 2 degrees rotation) 
    Simple2DTransform & Rotate(double radians) 
     Simple2DTransform transform; 
     rotate(radians, transform.m_matrix); 
     return *this *= transform; 

    // apply a heterogeneous scale factor 
    Simple2DTransform & Scale(double x_scale, double y_scale) 
     Simple2DTransform transform; 
     scale(x_scale, y_scale, transform.m_matrix); 
     return *this *= transform; 

    // apply a homogeneous scale factor 
    Simple2DTransform & Scale(double scale) 
     return Scale(scale, scale); 

    // apply a skew 
    Simple2DTransform & Skew(double skew) 
     Simple2DTransform transform; 
     skew_y(skew, transform.m_matrix); 
     return *this *= transform; 

    // Queries 

    // return the cross product of this and the given matrix 
    Simple2DTransform GetCrossProduct(const Simple2DTransform & rhs) const 
     Simple2DTransform result; 
     GEMM(m_matrix, rhs.m_matrix, result.m_matrix); 
     return result; 

    // returns the inverse of ourselves 
    Simple2DTransform GetInverse() const 
     // note: invert mucks with both matrices, so we use a copy of ourselves for it 
     Simple2DTransform original(*this), inverse; 
     invert(original.m_matrix, inverse.m_matrix); 
     return inverse; 

    // derivative values 
    double GetCoefficient(int i, int j) const 
     return m_matrix[i][j]; 

    // return the cross product 
    double GetDeterminate() const 
     return m_matrix[0][0]*m_matrix[1][1] - m_matrix[0][1]*m_matrix[1][0]; 

    // returns the square root of the determinate (this ignores heterogeneous scaling factors) 
    double GetScale() const 
     return sqrt(abs(GetDeterminate())); 

    // returns true if there is a scale factor 
    bool IsStretched() const 
     return (abs(abs(m_matrix[0][0]) - abs(m_matrix[1][1])) > 1.0e-7 
      || abs(abs(m_matrix[0][1]) - abs(m_matrix[1][0])) > 1.0e-7); 

    // true if we're the identity matrix 
    bool IsIdentity() const 
     return memcmp(m_matrix, GetIdentityMatrix(), sizeof(m_matrix)) == 0; 

    // returns true if this represents the same transformation as the given subtable 
    bool IsSubtableEqual(const SUBTABLE * pSubTable) const 
     if (abs(pSubTable->tran1 - m_matrix[0][0]) > 1.0e-7) 
      return false; 
     if (abs(pSubTable->tran2 - m_matrix[1][0]) > 1.0e-7) 
      return false; 
     if (abs(pSubTable->tran3 - m_matrix[0][1]) > 1.0e-7) 
      return false; 
     if (abs(pSubTable->tran4 - m_matrix[1][1]) > 1.0e-7) 
      return false; 
     return true; 

    // Application/Execution 

    void Transform(const SimplePoint & point, SimplePoint & newpoint) const 
     newpoint.x = point.x * m_matrix[0][0] + point.y * m_matrix[1][0] + m_matrix[2][0]; 
     newpoint.y = point.x * m_matrix[0][1] + point.y * m_matrix[1][1] + m_matrix[2][1]; 

    void Transform(SimplePoint & point) const 
     SimplePoint newpoint; 
     Transform(point, newpoint); 
     point = newpoint; 

    void Transform(const SimpleRect & rect, SimpleRect & newrect) const 
     newrect.minX = rect.minX * m_matrix[0][0] + rect.minY * m_matrix[1][0] + m_matrix[2][0]; 
     newrect.minY = rect.minX * m_matrix[0][1] + rect.minY * m_matrix[1][1] + m_matrix[2][1]; 
     newrect.maxX = rect.maxX * m_matrix[0][0] + rect.maxY * m_matrix[1][0] + m_matrix[2][0]; 
     newrect.maxY = rect.maxX * m_matrix[0][1] + rect.maxY * m_matrix[1][1] + m_matrix[2][1]; 

    void Transform(SimpleRect & rect) const 
     SimpleRect newrect; 
     Transform(rect, newrect); 
     rect = newrect; 

    void Transform(CPoint & point) const 
     SimplePoint newpoint(point); 
     point.x = (int)(newpoint.x > 0.0 ? newpoint.x + 0.5 : newpoint.x - 0.5); 
     point.y = (int)(newpoint.y > 0.0 ? newpoint.y + 0.5 : newpoint.y - 0.5); 

    void Transform(SimplePoint point, CPoint & transformed) const 
     transformed.x = (int)(point.x > 0.0 ? point.x + 0.5 : point.x - 0.5); 
     transformed.y = (int)(point.y > 0.0 ? point.y + 0.5 : point.y - 0.5); 

    void Transform(CPoint point, SimplePoint & transformed) const 
     transformed = point; 

    void Transform(double dx, double dy, double & x, double & y) const 
     SimplePoint point(dx, dy); 
     x = point.x; 
     y = point.y; 

    void Transform(double & x, double & y) const 
     SimplePoint point(x, y); 
     x = point.x; 
     y = point.y; 

    SimplePoint GetTransformed(SimplePoint point) const 
     return point; 

    CPoint GetTransformed(CPoint point) const 
     return point; 

    SimpleRect GetTransformed(const CRect & rect) const 
     return SimpleRect(GetTransformed(SimplePoint(rect.left, rect.bottom)), GetTransformed(SimplePoint(rect.right, rect.top))); 

    SimpleRect GetTransformed(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) const 
     return SimpleRect(GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x1, y1)), GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x2, y2))); 

    double GetTransformedX(double x, double y) const 
     return GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x, y)).x; 

    double GetTransformedY(double x, double y) const 
     return GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x, y)).y; 

    double GetTransformedX(int x, int y) const 
     return GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x, y)).x; 

    double GetTransformedY(int x, int y) const 
     return GetTransformed(SimplePoint(x, y)).y; 

    double GetTransformedX(const SimplePoint & point) const 
     return GetTransformed(point).x; 

    double GetTransformedY(const SimplePoint & point) const 
     return GetTransformed(point).y; 

    int GetTransformedIntX(double x, double y) const 
     CPoint point; 
     Transform(SimplePoint(x, y), point); 
     return point.x; 

    int GetTransformedIntY(double x, double y) const 
     CPoint point; 
     Transform(SimplePoint(x, y), point); 
     return point.y; 

    int GetTransformedIntX(const SimplePoint & point) const 
     CPoint pt; 
     Transform(point, pt); 
     return pt.x; 

    int GetTransformedIntY(const SimplePoint & point) const 
     CPoint pt; 
     Transform(point, pt); 
     return pt.y; 

    // Static Class Operations 

    static const ThreeByThreeMatrix & GetIdentityMatrix(); 

    // Instance Variables 

    ThreeByThreeMatrix m_matrix; 

所有旋轉矩陣是正交的...也許你的意思是,旋轉90˚的倍數? – James 2010-01-12 17:08:21



設A =(0,0),B =(1,0)。通過矩陣變換得到A'和B'。測量向量B' - A'的角度。這應該給你的角度。

爲了測量向量的角度,您可以用ATAN2(B'.y - A'.y,B'.x - A'.x)


+ 1用於實現Mordachai實際上通過正交表示的意思;) – James 2010-01-12 17:17:08


哈哈 - 抱歉如果這是令人困惑的。 ;) – Mordachai 2010-01-12 17:18:14