我需要跳過文本或整數。它讀取一個包含數字(int/double)和字符串的.dat文件。它還計算並打印文件中最大值,最小值,總和和單詞數量的計數。我如何做平均?謝謝!!如何找到文件中雙打的平均值 - JAVA
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class ProcessFile {
public static void main(String [] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter file name: ");
String n = console.next();
File f = new File(n);
System.out.print("Doesn't exist. Enter a valid filename: ");
n = console.next();
f = new File(n);
Scanner input = new Scanner(f);
int minInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxInt = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int countInt;
int averageInt =
double minDouble = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double maxDouble = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double countDouble;
double averageDouble = //sum/countDouble
if (input.hasNextInt()){
int next = input.nextInt();
maxInt = Math.max(next, maxInt);
minInt = Math.min(next, minInt);
averageInt =
System.out.println("The results for the integers in the file :");
System.out.printf(" Max = %d\n", maxInt);
System.out.printf(" Min = %d\n", minInt);
System.out.printf(" Count = %d\n", countInt);
System.out.printf(" averageInt = %d\n", averageInt);
} else if (input.hasNextDouble()) { //can I read it as a double
double = next2 = input.nextDouble();
maxDouble = Math.max(next2, maxDouble);
minDouble = Math.min(next2, minDouble);
averageDouble =
System.out.println("The results for the integers in the file:");
System.out.printf(" Max = %f\n", maxDouble);
System.out.printf(" Min = %f\n", minDouble);
System.out.printf(" Count = %f\n", countDouble);
System.out.printf(" averageInt = %f\n", averageDouble);
} else { //it is String
你究竟在哪裏卡住了?我看到的只是你的任務和一些代碼。如果你花點功夫爲我們描述更多關於你的問題,這將是很好的。 –
你必須計算它。 –
我在這裏看到一個很大的問題'雙= NEXT2 = input.nextDouble();' –