2013-05-17 30 views

在c編程語言中,佔位符「%n」是什麼? 以及下面的代碼如何工作?,什麼是「%n」?這個代碼是如何工作的?

char s[150]; 
    int read, cur = 0,x; 
    while(sscanf(s+cur, "%d%n", &x, &read) == 1) 
     cur+= read; 
     /// do sth with x 

- 這段代碼獲得一個行字符數組,然後從這個字符數組掃描的數字, 例如:如果x = 12 下一次*s="12 34 567" 首次x = 34 最後x = 567


檢查此問題http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3401156/what-is-the-use-of-n-format-specifier-in-c#answer-3401176 – arthankamal


有人應該發佈標準或規範或手冊或者解釋這樣的事情的書。在地球上任何地方都找不到任何人。 –


@EricPostpischil我希望你是諷刺。 – Sebivor




n  Nothing is expected; instead, the number of characters consumed 
       thus far from the input is stored through the next pointer, 
       which must be a pointer to int. This is not a conversion, 
       although it can be suppressed with the * assignment-suppression 
       character. The C standard says: "Execution of a %n directive 
       does not increment the assignment count returned at the comple‐ 
       tion of execution" but the Corrigendum seems to contradict this. 
       Probably it is wise not to make any assumptions on the effect of 
       %n conversions on the return value. 

correctundums矛盾是錯誤的。最新的標準是最好的,其中糾正和包括了勘誤中的錯誤例子。 – Sebivor


這裏,"%n" repr表示迄今閱讀的字符數。



#include <stdio.h> 

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    char *s = "12 34 567"; 
    int read=-1, cur = 0, x = -1, call=1; 

    printf("Before first call, s='%s' cur=%d x=%d read=%d\n", s, cur, x, read); 

    while(sscanf(s+cur, "%d%n", &x, &read) == 1) 
    cur += read; 

    printf("After call %d, s='%s' cur=%d x=%d read=%d\n", call, s, cur, x, read); 

    call += 1; 


Before first call, s='12 34 567' cur=0 x=-1 read=-1 
After call 1,  s='12 34 567' cur=2 x=12 read=2 
After call 2,  s='12 34 567' cur=5 x=34 read=3 
After call 3,  s='12 34 567' cur=9 x=567 read=4 
