body, html {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
table {
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width: 200px;
border: 0;
.fill {
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.cont {
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<td style="height:50px"></td>
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<div class="cont">
An opaque handle to a native JavaScript object. A JavaScriptObject cannot be created directly. JavaScriptObject should be declared as the return type of a JSNI method that returns native (non-Java) objects. A JavaScriptObject passed back into JSNI from Java becomes the original object, and can be accessed in JavaScript as expected
<td style="height:100px"></td>
你說 「不」 ......請完成句子。 – 2009-10-20 14:11:55
「在Firefox中,它不會」以逗號拼接。它不會在Firefox工作,但基於WebKit瀏覽器 – 2009-10-20 14:28:19
這聽起來像一個標準的頭,體尺佈局工作,並不比很多很多這樣的佈局不同的人都制定了只使用CSS。 (搜索「粘腳」來獲得更多的例子,而不是你可以搖一搖。)你爲什麼認爲你需要一張桌子? – Martha 2009-10-20 17:01:36