2013-02-05 22 views


chicago$date<-seq(from=as.Date("1987-01-01"), to=as.Date("2000-12-31"),length=5114) 

chicago$month<-as.numeric(format(chicago$date,"%m")) ## create month 
jfm <- subset(chicago, month %in% c(1:3))  ## subset data for January to March 
fma <- subset(chicago, month %in% c(2:4)) ## February to April 
mam <- subset(chicago, month %in% c(3:5)) ## March to may 

jfm$trend<-seq(dim(jfm)[1]) ## cretae a trend for specific df based on dimension of the df 
fma$trend<-seq(dim(fma)[1]) ## trend for df fma 

## Regress each pollutant separately on death for the first subset 

model1<-gam(death ~ pm10median + s(trend,k=21)+ s(tmpd,k=6) ,family=quasipoisson,na.action=na.omit,data=jfm) 

model2<-gam(death ~ pm10median + s(trend,k=21)+ s(tmpd,k=6) ,family=quasipoisson,na.action=na.omit,data=fma) 

你不必子集,則可以通過JFM,FMA,MAM tapply使用,保理,直到OND ... –


@AdityaSihag例子嗎? :) –


# create a function that defines the exact regression 
# you want to run on all three-month data sets 
fun <- 
    function(y , x){ 

     # store each of the regression outputs into an object 
     a <- gam(
      death ~ pm10median + s(trend,k=21)+ s(tmpd,k=6) , 
      family = quasipoisson , 
      na.action = na.omit , 
      data = x[ x$month %in% y , ] 
     b <- gam(
      death ~ pm25median + s(trend,k=21)+ s(tmpd,k=6) , 
      family = quasipoisson , 
      na.action = na.omit , 
      data = x[ x$month %in% y , ] 

     # return each of the regressions as a list 
     list(a , b) 

# define which three-month groups you want to run it on 
months <- cbind(1:10 , 2:11 , 3:12) 

# now just run the function for each row in `months` 
results <- apply(months , 1 , fun , x = chicago) 

# look at the whole thing 

# extract jfm, for example 
jfm <- results[[1]] 

# extract fma (and print it to the screen as well) 
(fma <- results[[2]]) 

親愛的安東尼, 感謝您的美妙的代碼,它在樣本,以及我自己的數據爲單個迴歸者。你可以添加你的代碼如何循環通過不同的污染物? 順便說一句:我喜歡你的兔子! – Meso


@ user1754610直到您提供可重複的示例。 [閱讀並編輯您的問題](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example) –


我指的是樣本芝加哥數據集中的變量(pm10median,pm25median,o3median和so2median)。看我的編輯。 – Meso
