var timerId = setInterval(function() {
strings: ["First sentence.", "Second sentence."],
typeSpeed: 30, // typing speed
backDelay: 500, // pause before backspacing
callback: function() {
//destroy typed plugin here. See in the api if
//there is a method for doing that.
}, 1000);
strings: ["Typed.js is a jQuery plugin.", "It types out sentences."],
typeSpeed: 30,
backDelay: 500,
callback: function(){ alert('end'); }
"use strict";
var Typed = function(el, options){
// for variable scope's sake
self = this;
// chosen element to manipulate text
self.el = $(el);
// options
self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.typed.defaults, options);
// text content of element
self.text = self.el.text();
// typing speed
self.typeSpeed = self.options.typeSpeed;
// typing speed
self.loop = self.options.loop;
// amount of time to wait before backspacing
self.backDelay = self.options.backDelay;
// input strings of text
self.strings = self.options.strings;
// character number position of current string
self.strPos = 0;
// current array position
self.arrayPos = 0;
// current string based on current values[] array position
self.string = self.strings[self.arrayPos];
// number to stop backspacing on.
// default 0, can change depending on how many chars
// you want to remove at the time
self.stopNum = 0;
// number in which to stop going through array
// set to strings[] array (length - 1) to stop deleting after last string is typed
self.stopArray = self.strings.length-1;
// All systems go!
Typed.prototype = {
constructor: Typed
, init: function(){
// begin the loop w/ first current string (global self.string)
// current string will be passed as an argument each time after this
self.typewrite(self.string, self.strPos);
self.el.after("<span id=\"typed-cursor\">|</span>");
// pass current string state to each function
, typewrite: function(curString, curStrPos){
// varying values for setTimeout during typing
// can't be global since number changes each time loop is executed
var humanize = Math.round(Math.random() * (100 - 30)) + self.typeSpeed;
// ------ optional ------ //
// custom backspace delay
// if (self.arrayPos == 1){
// self.backDelay = 50;
// }
// else{ self.backDelay = 500; }
// containg entire typing function in a timeout
setTimeout(function() {
// make sure array position is less than array length
if (self.arrayPos < self.strings.length){
// start typing each new char into existing string
// curString is function arg
self.el.text(self.text + curString.substr(0, curStrPos));
// check if current character number is the string's length
// and if the current array position is less than the stopping point
// if so, backspace after backDelay setting
if (curStrPos > curString.length && self.arrayPos < self.stopArray){
self.backspace(curString, curStrPos);
}, self.backDelay);
// else, keep typing
// add characters one by one
// loop the function
self.typewrite(curString, curStrPos);
// if the array position is at the stopping position
// finish code, on to next task
if (self.arrayPos == self.stopArray && curStrPos == curString.length){
// animation that occurs on the last typed string
// place any finishing code here
// humanized value for typing
}, humanize);
, backspace: function(curString, curStrPos){
// varying values for setTimeout during typing
// can't be global since number changes each time loop is executed
var humanize = Math.round(Math.random() * (100 - 30)) + self.typeSpeed;
setTimeout(function() {
// ----- this part is optional ----- //
// check string array position
// on the first string, only delete one word
// the stopNum actually represents the amount of chars to
// keep in the current string. In my case it's 14.
// if (self.arrayPos == 1){
// self.stopNum = 14;
// }
//every other time, delete the whole typed string
// else{
// self.stopNum = 0;
// }
// ----- continue important stuff ----- //
// replace text with current text + typed characters
self.el.text(self.text + curString.substr(0, curStrPos));
// if the number (id of character in current string) is
// less than the stop number, keep going
if (curStrPos > self.stopNum){
// subtract characters one by one
// loop the function
self.backspace(curString, curStrPos);
// if the stop number has been reached, increase
// array position to next string
else if (curStrPos <= self.stopNum){
self.arrayPos = self.arrayPos+1;
// must pass new array position in this instance
// instead of using global arrayPos
self.typewrite(self.strings[self.arrayPos], curStrPos);
// humanized value for typing
}, humanize);
$.fn.typed = function (option) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
, data = $this.data('typed')
, options = typeof option == 'object' && option
if (!data) $this.data('typed', (data = new Typed(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
$.fn.typed.defaults = {
strings: ["These are the default values...", "You know what you should do?", "Use your own!", "Have a great day!"],
// typing and backspacing speed
typeSpeed: 0,
// time before backspacing
backDelay: 500,
// ending callback function
callback: function(){ null }
使這個函數成爲一個命名的函數,所以它可以自己調用回去(在'typed'調用之外,所以它是一個變量。 –
「重複自己」:什麼是「本身」?'.typed'調用? – Jon
你不會得到任何結果無限程序,所以你爲什麼不只是使用while(true){}? –