我正在使用Python中的「自動化無聊事物」一書來編寫MadLib程序。我確定我的程序正在運行,但當用戶需要輸入輸入時,我一直在收到這個奇怪的「NameError」。Python Madlib自動化無聊東西
import sys
Create a Mad Libs program that reads in text files and lets the user add
their own text anywhere the word ADJECTIVE, NOUN, ADVERB, or VERB
appears in the text file.
breaks = ["noun", "verb", "adverb", "adjective"]
'''Program Usage and Exit Case'''
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: ./mad.py <FileName>")
'''Read in File and Store Contents in Array'''
file = open(sys.argv[1])
chunk = str(file.read()).split()
****'''Search through text for keywords'''
for word in chunk:
if word.lower() in breaks:
chunk[word] = input("Enter %s: " %word)****
newMessage = " ".join(chunk)
您確定代碼在Python 3中運行?可能發生的事情是它實際上在Python 2中運行,在Python 2中,輸入將嘗試按代碼評估您輸入的內容。您可以嘗試向腳本添加一個打印(sys.version)並查看它打印的內容。 – paep3nguin
此外,我敢肯定,塊[單詞]將無法正常工作,因爲你正在嘗試,因爲單詞是一個字符串,而不是列表的數字索引。你可以改爲「爲我,在枚舉(塊)」和「塊[我] = ...」 – paep3nguin