2014-02-11 37 views

我剛開始使用PHP並做了一些教程。我剛剛構建了以下PHP聯繫表單,但標題中的PHP語法出現在網頁中,我完全不確定爲什麼?可能值得一提的是我也將這個文件保存爲contactForm.php而不是contactForm.html(這是否有所作爲)。這裏有什麼問題?PHP/HTML5聯繫表格 - 什麼是錯誤

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <title> Exercise: Contact Form</title> 
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/myStyle.css" /> 

     $name = $_POST ['name']; 
     $email = $_POST ['email']; 
     $message = $_POST ['message']; 
     $from = 'From: Me'; 
     $to = '[email protected]'; 
     $subject = 'Hello'; 
     $human = $_POST ['human']; 

     $body = "From $name\n Email: $email\n Message: $message\n"; 

     if ($_POST ['submit'] && $human == '4') { 
      if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) { 
       echo '<p>Your message has been sent!</p>'; 
       echo '<p>Something went wrong, please try again.</p>'; 
     else if ($_POST ['submit'] && $human != '4') { 
       echo '<p>You answered the anti-spam question incorrectly.</p>'; 
     <h1>My Test Page</h1> 

    <form id="testForm" method="post" action="contactForm.php"> 
     <input class="input-fields" type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" /> 
     <input class="input-fields" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" /> 
     <textarea class="input-fields" name="message" placeholder="Enter Message here" rows="5"></textarea> 
     <label>What is 2 + 2?</label> 
     <input class="input-fields" name="human" placeholder="Enter Answer"> 
     <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Click to Submit" /> 


screenshot of problem


您是在服務器上運行此操作還是在瀏覽器本地打開頁面? – j08691


你使用什麼網絡服務器? –


只是在瀏覽器本地,只是想測試回聲,以確保他們對錶單驗證作出反應。 – tom1bomb
