Sub colorkey()
start_row = 5
key_col = 2
flag_col = 4
i = start_row 'start on row one
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, key_col)) 'Do until empty cell
Tval = Cells(i, flag_col).Value
Select Case Tval
Case "Requirement"
'cval = green
cVal = 10
Case "New Feature"
'cval = orange
cVal = 46
Case "Test"
'cval = lt blue
cVal = 28
Case "Epic"
'cval = maroon
cVal = 30
Case "Story"
'cval = dk blue
cVal = 49
Case "Theme"
'cval = grey
cVal = 48
Case "Bug"
'cval = red
cVal = 3
'cval = Maroon
cVal = 1
End Select
Cells(i, key_col).Font.ColorIndex = cVal
i = i + 1 'increment the cell in the first column
End Sub
Sub colorlinked()
start_row = 5
key_col = 2
linked_col = 26
i = start_row 'start on row one
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, key_col)) 'Do until empty cell
o = start_row 'start with row one for second column
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(o, linked_col)) 'Do until empty cell
If Not InStr(1, Cells(o, linked_col), Cells(i, key_col)) = 0 Then 'if cell contents found in cell
With Cells(o, linked_col).Characters(Start:=InStr(1, Cells(o, linked_col), Cells(i, key_col)), Length:=Len(Cells(i, key_col))).Font
.Color = Cells(i, key_col).Font.Color 'change color of this part of the cell
End With
End If
o = o + 1 'increment the cell in second column
i = i + 1 'increment the cell in the first column
MsgBox "Finished Scanning"
End Sub
您是否正在尋找一個包含多種字體顏色的單元格?另外,請告訴我:第一列是否有「iss-3913」,第二列是否有「3923,1649,8352」例如?還是第二欄也有「iss-3923,iss-1649,iss-8352」? – Wally
因此,單元格「A1」包含單個值iss-3715並且顏色爲紅色(列A中的所有值都是唯一的)。 Z列中的多個單元格在鏈接的問題串中包含iss-3715,例如。 iss-2190,iss-2222,iss-3715,iss-9000。我希望能夠匹配字符串的部分來繼承A列中匹配的字體顏色。 – user2642587