2014-01-09 35 views

使用worklight 6.0的Iam我擁有適配器的自定義安全測試。無法從worklight客戶端中的userIdentity對象中檢索屬性

In the loginModule, im adding few custom attributes for the userIdentity 

public UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule) { 
     HashMap<String, Object> customAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
     customAttributes.put("AuthenticationDate", new Date()); 
     customAttributes.put("userIdentity", USERIDENTITY);  
     UserIdentity identity = new UserIdentity("CustomAuthenticatorRealm", USERNAME, null, null, customAttributes, PASSWORD); 
     return identity; 
In the client side, 

var attrs = WL.Client.getUserInfo("CustomAuthenticatorRealm", "attributes"); 

Sometimes Iam getting the attributes and sometimes as null. 

Please help me on this. 

