2016-06-15 43 views



如果使用this library到LinkedIn集成到您laravel項目,有可能是一個問題,現在與更新。您可以簡單地修復OAuth.php中的錯誤,將其替換爲以下代碼:

<?php namespace Artdarek\OAuth; 

* @author  Dariusz Prząda <[email protected]> 
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License 

use \Config; 
use \URL; 

use \OAuth\ServiceFactory; 
use \OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials; 

class OAuth { 

    * @var ServiceFactory 
    private $_serviceFactory; 

    * Storege name from config 
    * @var string 
    private $_storage_name = 'Session'; 

    * Client ID from config 
    * @var string 
    private $_client_id; 

    * Client secret from config 
    * @var string 
    private $_client_secret; 

    * Scope from config 
    * @var array 
    private $_scope = []; 

    * Constructor 
    * @param ServiceFactory $serviceFactory - (Dependency injection) If not provided, a ServiceFactory instance will be constructed. 
    public function __construct(ServiceFactory $serviceFactory = null) 
     if (null === $serviceFactory) 
      // Create the service factory 
      $serviceFactory = new ServiceFactory(); 
     $this->_serviceFactory = $serviceFactory; 

    * Detect config and set data from it 
    * @param string $service 
    public function setConfig($service) 
     // if config/oauth-4-laravel.php exists use this one 
     if (Config::get('oauth-5-laravel.consumers') != null) 

      $this->_storage_name = Config::get('oauth-5-laravel.storage', 'Session'); 
      $this->_client_id  = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.client_id"); 
      $this->_client_secret = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.client_secret"); 
      $this->_scope   = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.scope", []); 

      // esle try to find config in packages configs 
      $this->_storage_name = Config::get('oauth-5-laravel::storage', 'Session'); 
      $this->_client_id  = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.client_id"); 
      $this->_client_secret = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.client_secret"); 
      $this->_scope   = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.scope", []); 

    * Create storage instance 
    * @param string $storageName 
    * @return OAuth\Common\\Storage 
    public function createStorageInstance($storageName) 
     $storageClass = "\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\$storageName"; 
     $storage  = new $storageClass(); 

     return $storage; 

    * Set the http client object 
    * @param string $httpClientName 
    * @return void 
    public function setHttpClient($httpClientName) 
     $httpClientClass = "\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\$httpClientName"; 
     $this->_serviceFactory->setHttpClient(new $httpClientClass()); 

    * @param string $service 
    * @param string $url 
    * @param array $scope 
    * @return \OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService 
    public function consumer($service, $url = null, $scope = null) 
     // get config 

     // get storage object 
     $storage = $this->createStorageInstance($this->_storage_name); 

     // create credentials object 
     $credentials = new Credentials(
      $url ? : URL::current() 

     // check if scopes were provided 
     if (is_null($scope)) 
      // get scope from config (default to empty array) 
      $scope = $this->_scope; 

     // return the service consumer object 
     return $this->_serviceFactory->createService($service, $credentials, $storage, $scope); 
