我遇到的問題是我已經創建了一個可視化器,但是這幾乎沒有顯示高音部分的音符。我擔心這是因爲(與大多數音樂一樣),一次播放多個音高(爲了測試,我正在使用Darude Sandstorm,同時等待音響人員給我音樂)。最終,我希望這個音高檢測能夠告訴用戶是否擊中高音,中音或低音。
我使用 GetComponent<FFT>().PitchValue;
和 AudioListener.GetSpectrumData(2048, 0, FFTWindow.Hamming);
這是我正在使用的一個例子,我已經嘗試了許多不同的在線解決方案(其中一些信息實際上來自於代碼註釋中鏈接的教程),我打算全面參考如果我繼續走這條道路(我現在一直在做這個兼職工作幾個星期)。它使一個漂亮的可視化,但我似乎無法充分利用它。這可以很好地作爲一個沒有if else陳述的可視化工具,這正是我目前正在做一些試驗和錯誤的地方。我下面this tutorial
//the class{
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class soundspectrume : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject prefab; // the cube prefab
public int numberOfObjects = 25; // number of cubes to make visualizer
public float radius = 5f; // radius of circle
public GameObject[] cubes; //array of the created cubes
public float PitchValue;
public Color mycolour;
void Start()
PitchValue = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<FFT>().PitchValue;//this declares the pitch value but it will always be 0 as it is declared before the musics intro on start
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++) //loop to create the cubes
float angle = i * Mathf.PI * 2/numberOfObjects;
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(angle)) * radius; // this code is from unity docs https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/InstantiatingPrefabs.html
Instantiate(prefab, pos, Quaternion.identity); //instanciate's cubes
cubes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("cube");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
PitchValue = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<FFT>().PitchValue;
float[] spectrum = AudioListener.GetSpectrumData(2048, 0, FFTWindow.Hamming); // always move sample to power of 2, max will make cubes move without punch lower numbers less control.
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
if (PitchValue <= 200)
Vector3 previousscale = cubes[i].transform.localScale;
previousscale.y = spectrum[i] * 500; //take spectrum number and multiply, higher frequency songs will need greater multiplier
cubes[i].transform.localScale = previousscale;
else if (PitchValue >= 201)
Vector3 previousscale = cubes[i].transform.localScale;
previousscale.y = spectrum[i] * 1; //take spectrum number and multiply, higher frequency songs will need greater multiplier
cubes[i].transform.localScale = previousscale;
else if (PitchValue >= 500)
Vector3 previousscale = cubes[i].transform.localScale;
previousscale.y = spectrum[i] * 100; //take spectrum number and multiply, higher frequency songs will need greater multiplier
cubes[i].transform.localScale = previousscale;
Attached image with some of the pitch output values printed
什麼是你用你的聲音拾取?平均筆記本電腦沒有內置大麥克風。 – RBarryYoung
@RBarryYoung我相信他們正在使用mp3或類似的文件格式,然後獲得'AudioSource'的頻譜數據,使用'AudioListener'作爲中間節目 –
@RBarryYoungI的確使用MP3。我將音高數據設置爲在更新時打印,並且它似乎正在返回一系列值(0-654.000) –