For Each ccell In pcrange
If ccell.Cells.Value = 0 Then
For Each agecell In agerange
If agecell.Cells.Value < 0.5 And agecell.Offset(0, 5).Value > 1 Then
tmpyr = agecell.Offset(0, 1)
srchyr = ccell.Offset(0, -6)
tmpval = agecell.Offset(0, 2)
tmpdiff = Abs(tmpyr - srchyr)
arrindx = arrindx + 1
End If
tmparray = Array(tmpdiff, tmpval) 'need redim to hold more than 2 values? why are subsequent elements empty?
ReDim Preserve tmparray(2 * arrindx - 1)
'minarr = IIf(tmparray(2) > tmparray(0), tmparray(1), tmparray(3)); want to extract corresponding tmpval from array onto sheet if tmpdiff is the min of the entire loop; change to store better result each time
End If
是的,你需要重新調暗以保存2個以上的值(或者在你的數組(tmpdiff,tmpval)位添加n個空值)。你提到隨後的值是空的,你在哪裏填充它們? – NickSlash 2013-04-06 22:50:06
對不起,我的無知,你最終的目標是什麼?是否有'tmpdiff'的最小值? – glh 2013-04-07 04:31:07
嗨,尼克,當agecell循環運行並符合If條件時,我得到tmpdiff和tmpval的值。每次我得到一個tmpdiff和tmpval時,我都無法獲得tmparray來存儲以前的比較結果 - 我認爲redim保留會有所幫助,但一次不會超過2個元素。 – Neelie 2013-04-07 08:01:23