的Python 3.4的代碼使用matplotlib
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def dist(p1, p2):
return np.linalg.norm(np.asfarray(p1) - np.asfarray(p2))
def closest_neighbor_index(p, attractors):
min_d = float('inf')
closest = None
for i,a in enumerate(attractors):
d = dist(p, a)
if d < min_d:
closest, min_d = i, d
return closest
def group_by_closest_neighbor(points, attractors):
g = []
for a in attractors:
for p in points:
g[closest_neighbor_index(p, attractors)].append(p)
return g
def attracted_point(p, a, f):
a = np.asfarray(a)
p = np.asfarray(p)
r = p - a
d = np.linalg.norm(r)
new_d = f(d)
assert(new_d <= d)
return a + r * new_d/d
def attracted_point_list(points, attractor, f):
for p in points:
result.append(attracted_point(p, attractor, f))
return result
# Each point is attracted only to its closest attractor (as if the other
# attractors don't exist).
def attract_to_closest(points, attractors, f):
redistributed_points = []
grouped_points = group_by_closest_neighbor(points, attractors)
for a,g in zip(attractors, grouped_points):
return redistributed_points
def attraction_translation(p, a, f):
return attracted_point(p, a, f) - p
# Each point is attracted by multiple attracters.
# The resulting point is the average of the would-be positions
# computed for each attractor as if the other attractors didn't exist.
def multiattract(points, attractors, f):
redistributed_points = []
n = float(len(attractors))
for p in points:
p = np.asfarray(p)
t = np.zeros_like(p)
for a in attractors:
t += attraction_translation(p,a,f)
return redistributed_points
def attract(points, attractors, f):
""" Draw points toward attractors
points and attractors must be lists of points (2-tuples of the form (x, y)).
f maps distance of the point from an attractor to the new distance value,
i.e. for a single point P and attractor A, f(distance(P, A)) defines the
distance of P from A in its new (attracted) location.
0 <= f(x) <= x must hold for all non-negative values of x.
# multiattract() doesn't work well with simple attraction functions
# return multiattract(points, attractors, f);
return attract_to_closest(points, attractors, f);
if __name__ == '__main__':
points = random.sample([[x, y] for x in range(width) for y in range(height)], 100)
attractors = [(25, 102), (256, 256), (302, 62)]
new_points = attract(points, attractors, lambda d: d*d/(d+100))
#plt.scatter(*zip(*points), marker='+', s=32)
plt.scatter(*zip(*attractors), color='red', marker='x', s=64, linewidths=2)
我的意思是,有趣的目標,但你有實現這個想法有什麼問題? –