2017-07-06 52 views

我正在用chart.js實現一些點圖。沒有問題,但我想要做的是有一個工具提示,不僅附加到給定的數據點。現在你可以創建一個工具提示,它會在圖表上給定的數據點附近顯示一個彈出窗口。例如,如果我有數據點[1,5],[2,6]和[3,7],它會高興地顯示這三個數據點。chart.js 2.0當前鼠標座標工具提示

但我想要的是當我在1,5和2,6之間看到我在x軸上的確切位置。 1.5,1.6,等


tooltips: { mode: 'index', intersect: false, callbacks: { footer: function(tooltipItems, data) { return 'x:' + this._eventPosition.x + ' y:' + this._eventPosition.y; }, }, footerFontStyle: 'normal' }






$(document).ready(function() { 
    var ctx = $("#graph_1"); 
    var dataArray = [ {x:1,y:1},{x:2,y:3},{x:3,y:5},{x:4,y:8},{x:5,y:7},{x:6,y:4},{x:7,y:2},{x:8,y:1} ]; 
    var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { 
    type: 'scatter', 
    data: { 
     datasets: [{ 
     label: "test", 
     fill: false, 
     data: dataArray 
    options: { 
     title: { 
     display: true, 
     text: 'Test Graph' 
     animation: { 
     duration: 0, 
     }, // general animation time 
     hover: { 
     animationDuration: 0, 
     }, // duration of animations when hovering an item 
     responsiveAnimationDuration: 0, // animation duration after a resize 
     scales: { 
     xAxes: [{ 
      display: true, 
      scaleLabel: { 
      display: true, 
      labelString: 'x axis label' 
     yAxes: [{ 
      display: true, 
      scaleLabel: { 
      display: true, 
      labelString: 'y axis label' 
     tooltips: { 
     mode: 'index', 
     intersect: false, 
     callbacks: { 
      // Use the footer callback to display the sum of the items showing in the tooltip 
      footer: function(tooltipItems, data) { 
      //return 'x:' + this._eventPosition.x + ' y:' + this._eventPosition.y; 
     footerFontStyle: 'normal' 


    ctx.mousemove(function(evt) { 
    //console.log(evt.offsetX + "," + evt.offsetY); 
    var ytop = myChart.chartArea.top; 
    var ybottom = myChart.chartArea.bottom; 
    var ymin = myChart.scales['y-axis-1'].min; 
    var ymax = myChart.scales['y-axis-1'].max; 
    var newy = ''; 
    var showstuff = 0; 
    if (evt.offsetY <= ybottom && evt.offsetY >= ytop) { 
     newy = Math.abs((evt.offsetY - ytop)/(ybottom - ytop)); 
     newy = (newy - 1) * -1; 
     newy = newy * (Math.abs(ymax - ymin)) + ymin; 
     showstuff = 1; 
    var xtop = myChart.chartArea.left; 
    var xbottom = myChart.chartArea.right; 
    var xmin = myChart.scales['x-axis-1'].min; 
    var xmax = myChart.scales['x-axis-1'].max; 
    var newx = ''; 
    if (evt.offsetX <= xbottom && evt.offsetX >= xtop && showstuff == 1) { 
     newx = Math.abs((evt.offsetX - xtop)/(xbottom - xtop)); 
     newx = newx * (Math.abs(xmax - xmin)) + xmin; 
    if (newy != '' && newx != '') { 
     //console.log(newx + ',' + newy); 
     $("#graph_coords").html('Mouse Coordinates: ' + newx.toFixed(2) + ',' + newy.toFixed(2)); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<SCRIPT src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.6.0/Chart.min.js"></SCRIPT> 

<DIV id="graph_coords"></DIV> 
<DIV class="chart-container" style="position: relative; height:40vh; width:80vw;"> 
    <CANVAS id="graph_1" style="background-color: #CBCBCB;"></CANVAS> 


肯定。我改變了上面的代碼是整個事情。只需將其放在網頁上並進行測試即可。 – Halfhoot


我將你的代碼添加到可運行的代碼片段中;運行時,您的代碼會引發控制檯錯誤。我沒有時間去調試它:) – ochi
