我有一個類實現如下。 MethodUnderTest()是調用委託使用一些自定義過濾器更新網格的方法,具有回調函數 - UpdateGridCallback。如何在moq中模擬代理
public class MyClass
public delegate void UpdateGridDelegate(MyCustomFilters filter);
public UpdateGridDelegate del;
public MyCustomFilters filter;
public void MethodUnderTest()
//.... some code...
// For simplicity of example I am passing somename.. should be passing rows..
// set status bar saying retriving data..
del = new UpdateGridDelegate(UpdateGrid);
del.BeginInvoke(filter, UpdateGridCallback, null);
public void UpdateGrid(MyCustomFilters filter)
// Upadte Grid with passed rows.
public void UpdateGridCallback(IAsyncResult result)
// callback .. do some action here.. like updating status bar saying - Ready
我正在使用Nunit和Moq.delegate。 MethodUnderTest()是待測試的方法。我如何模擬MethodUnderTest()中正在使用的委託?