請求的圖像。我正在嘗試使用RestKit獲取圖像。我添加了用於創建請求的請求描述符,它工作正常。但是,我不明白如何映射圖像與對象管理器,因爲返回的內容不再是JSON。使用RestKit POST請求圖像
Error Domain=org.restkit.RestKit.ErrorDomain Code=1001 "No mappable object representations were found at the key paths searched." UserInfo=0x9b7a870 {DetailedErrors=(
), NSLocalizedFailureReason=The mapping operation was unable to find any nested object representations at the key paths searched: promotion
The representation inputted to the mapper was found to contain nested object representations at the following key paths: message, status
This likely indicates that you have misconfigured the key paths for your mappings., NSLocalizedDescription=No mappable object representations were found at the key paths searched., keyPath=null}
您發佈一個對象並獲取圖像嗎? – Wain
是的,我試圖發佈一個對象並獲取圖像。 –