s = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName +"\n" +
"(\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_currentid INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_id VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_type VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_topic VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_pin VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_device VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,\n" +
" " + tablelower + "_device_id INT NOT NULL,\n" +
" FOREIGN KEY(" + tablelower + "_device_id) REFERENCES Devices(device_currentid)\n" +
");\n" +
"\n" +
" delimiter | \n" +
" CREATE TRIGGER " + tablelower + "_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON " + tableName +
" BEGIN\n" +
" SET new." + tablelower + "_id = CONCAT('" + topic + "',LPAD((SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'),4,'0'));\n" +
" SET new." + tablelower + "_topic = CONCAT((SELECT device_topic FROM Devices WHERE device_name LIKE new." + tablelower + "_device),'/',(new." + tablelower + "_id));\n" +
" END;\n" +
" | \n" +
" delimiter ;";
以上是代碼,這將使一張桌子和一個觸發它與給定名稱表名和tablelower這是字符串變量。這是第一個版本,我寫,我是越來越以下錯誤:如何爲mysql 5.5.44創建觸發器?
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'delimiter |
CREATE TRIGGER tablename_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON tablename FO' at line 14
此前谷歌的幫助,我發現這個線程Error while creating trigger through JDBC on mysql5.5和DOC http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/trigger-syntax.html,我已經改變了我的代碼,一個StringBuilder這樣的:
tableCreation.append("CREATE TABLE " + tableName);
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_currentid INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_type VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_topic VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_pin VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_device VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append(tablelower + "_device_id INT NOT NULL,");
tableCreation.append("FOREIGN KEY(" + tablelower + "_device_id) REFERENCES Devices(device_currentid)");
tableCreation.append("); ");
tableCreation.append("DELIMITER // ");
tableCreation.append(" CREATE");
tableCreation.append(" TRIGGER " + tablelower + "id_trigger ");
tableCreation.append(" BEFORE INSERT");
tableCreation.append(" ON " + tableName + " FOR EACH ROW");
tableCreation.append(" BEGIN");
tableCreation.append(" SET new." + tablelower + "_id = CONCAT('" + topic + "',LPAD((SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'),4,'0'));");
tableCreation.append(" SET new." + tablelower + "_topic = CONCAT((SELECT device_topic FROM Devices WHERE device_name LIKE new." + tablelower + "_device),'/',(new." + tablelower + "_id));");
tableCreation.append(" END;//");
tableCreation.append("DELIMITER ; ");
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER reedswitchid_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON ReedSwitches' at line 1.
我通過Java執行這個和MySQL服務器上Raspbe RRY PI 2. 對於任何更多的信息評論和請注意,我在SQL初學者。感謝
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to >your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET >new.lightsensor_topic = CONCAT((SELECT device_topic FROM Devices WHERE >devic' at line 1. Exiting
tabl = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName +
"(" + " " + tablelower + "_currentid INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, " +
tablelower + "_id VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_type VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_topic VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_pin VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_device VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, " +
tablelower + "_device_id INT NOT NULL, " +
"FOREIGN KEY(" + tablelower + "_device_id) REFERENCES Devices(device_currentid)" +
" CREATE TRIGGER " + tablelower + "_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON " + tableName +
" SET new." + tablelower + "_id = CONCAT('" + topic + "',LPAD((SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'),4,'0'))" +
" SET new." + tablelower + "_topic = CONCAT((SELECT device_topic FROM Devices WHERE device_name LIKE new." + tablelower + "_device),'/',(new." + tablelower + "_id))" +
" END";
mysqlconn = data.getConnection();
Ø k我現在會試試謝謝:) – HarisJMD