2011-09-14 68 views

As the title says I'm trying to basically added the numbers 0-9 to a text box and also be able to delete the last input number(basically last digit in textbox or decrease length of data by 1 or w/e to produce this).如何值.append使用<a onclick and then also delete last value added (values = 0-9)

Like you can see below I've setup basically a keypad of buttons which I'm trying to record the value of each to a specific textbox.

<%: Html.TextBox("TBBlah") %> 

<a onclick="$('#TBBlah').append('7');" class="large button" style="color:Black; text-decoration:none;">7</a> 
    <a onclick="$('#TBBlah').append('8');" class="large button" style="color:Black; text-decoration:none;">8</a> 
    <a onclick="$('#TBBlah').append('9');" class="large button" style="color:Black; text-decoration:none;">9</a> 

I'm trying to set this up in this precise way to allow users to enter a code via a touchscreen.

With the code above it says Object doesn't support this property or method which has me wondering what I did wrong.

also was wondering in case this would help (these are in my site.master file)

<!-- jQuery --> 
    <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery-1.6.2.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    <!-- /jQuery--> 

    <!-- jQuery UI --> 
    <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/content/script/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    <link href="<%= Url.Content("~/content/css/cupertino/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css") %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> 
    <!-- /jQuery UI --> 

I hope I haven't missed out anything but if I have ask and I shall provide.


快一點,你不需要兩個jQuery的腳本。你只需要一個。沒有min的是未壓縮的代碼或者開發代碼,min是壓縮代碼。 – NebulaFox


現在刪除了最小版本,但任何想法,我會如何去刪除一個數字,我會添加1? (通過這個,我只是表示希望它會在onclick事件中) – Myzifer



append can't be used in your case since it will append something to the text inside some element, whereas in your case you are adding text into textbox which should use text property to access its content.


onclick= "$('#TBBlah').val($('#TBBlah').val() + $(this).text())" ; 

This will append the newly clicked number to the value inside textbox.


我不太明白這是如何工作的。由於表面上你得到'#TBBlah'的'text'並將其添加到'this'的'text',由於字符串是不可變的,它不會改變'#TBBlah'的結果。 – NebulaFox


而'text'和'append'一樣。它在標籤之間放置文本,或者在標籤之間獲取文本。 – NebulaFox


我剛剛完成了試用無效代碼和許多不同的方式來使用此代碼,沒有任何工作。 對於初學者來說,它似乎並沒有指出你將文本的值賦給文本框的位置,所以我試圖把它放到$(this).text()中。例如'9'和9。因爲我現在已經注意到你提出了我的改正版本,我會試着看看我是否可以讓它工作,並看看nebulafox的解決方案。 – Myzifer


It help to find out what HTML.TextBox actually created was an input field. You don't want to append, wich adds stuff between two tags you want to add the to the input value. So


Here's a link for you: http://api.jquery.com/val

