2011-03-13 156 views




#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

struct record 
    string word; 
    struct record * link; 
typedef struct record node; 

node * insert_Node(node * head, node * previous, string key); 
node * search(node *head, string key, int *found); 
void displayList(node *head); 
node * delete_node(node *head, node * previous, string key); 

int main() 

    node * previous, * head = NULL; 
    int found = 0; 
    string node1Data,newNodeData, nextData,lastData; 

    //set up first node 
    cout <<"Depature"<<endl; 
    cin >>node1Data; 
    previous = search(head, node1Data, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, node1Data); 
    cout <<"Depature inserted"<<endl; 

    //insert node between first node and head 
    cout <<"Destination"<<endl; 
    cin >>newNodeData; 
    previous = search(head, newNodeData, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, newNodeData); 
    cout <<"Destinationinserted"<<endl; 

     //insert node between second node and head 
    cout <<"Cost"<<endl; 
    cin >>newNodeData; 
    previous = search(head, newNodeData, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, newNodeData); 
    cout <<"Cost inserted"<<endl; 
    cout <<"Number of Seats Required"<<endl; 

    //place node between new node and first node 
    cin >>nextData; 
    previous = search(head, nextData, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, nextData); 
    cout <<"Number of Seats Required inserted"<<endl; 

     //insert node between first node and head 
    cout <<"Name"<<endl; 
    cin >>newNodeData; 
    previous = search(head, newNodeData, &found); 
     cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, newNodeData); 
    cout <<"Name inserted"<<endl; 

     //insert node between node and head 
    cout <<"Address "<<endl; 
    cin >>newNodeData; 
    previous = search(head, newNodeData, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, newNodeData); 
    cout <<"Address inserted"<<endl; 

    //place node as very last node 
    cin >>lastData; 
    previous = search(head, lastData, &found); 
    cout <<"Previous" <<previous<<endl; 
    head = insert_Node(head, previous, lastData); 
    cout <<"C"<<endl; 


    char Ans = 'y'; 
    //Delete nodes 

     cout <<"Enter Keyword to be delete"<<endl; 
     cin >>nextData; 
     previous = search(head, nextData, &found); 
     if (found == 1) 
      head = delete_node(head, previous,nextData); 
     cout <<"Do you want to Delete more y /n "<<endl; 
     cin >> Ans; 

     while(Ans =='y'); 

     int choice, i=0, counter=0; 
    int fclass[10]; 
     int coach[10]; 
    printf("Welcome to the booking program"); 
     printf("\n Please pick one of the following option:"); 
     printf("\n 1) Reserve a first class seat on Flight 101."); 
     printf("\n 2) Reserve a coach seat on Flight 101."); 
     printf("\n 3) Quit "); 
     printf("\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------"); 
     printf("\nYour choice?"); 

      case 1: 

       if (i <10){ 
        printf("Here is your seat: %d " , fclass[i]); 
       else if (i = 10) 

        printf("Sorry there is no more seats on First Class. Please wait for the next flight"); 
        case 2: 
         if (i <10){ 
          printf("Here is your Seat Coach: %d " , coach[i]); 

         else if (i = 10) 

          printf("Sorry their is no more Seats on Coach. Please wait for the next flight"); 

      case 3: 
       printf("Thank you and goodbye\n"); 
    } while (choice != 3); 

search function to return previous position of node 
node * search(node *head, string key, int *found) 

node * previous, * current; 
current = head; previous = current; 

*found = 0;//not found 

//if (current->word < key) move through links until the next link 
//matches or current_word > key 

while(current !=NULL) 
    //compare exactly 
    if (key ==current->word ) 
     *found = 1; 
    //if key is less than word 
    else if ( key < current->word ) 


     //previous stays one link behind current 
     previous = current; 
     current = previous -> link; 

    return previous; 

display function as used with createList 

void displayList(node *head) 
    node * current; 

//current now contains the address held of the 1st node similar //to head 
    current = head; 

    cout << "\n\n"; 

    if(current ==NULL) 
     cout << "Empty List\n\n"; 

     /*Keep going displaying the contents of the list and 
      set current to the address of the next node. 
      When set to null, there are no more nodes 

     while(current !=NULL) 
        cout << current->word<<endl; 
        current = current ->link; 

insert node used to position node 
(i) empty list head = NULL 
(ii) to position node before the first node key < head->word 
(iii) every other position including the end of the list 

This is done using the following steps 
(a) Pass in all the details to create the node either details or a whole record 
(b) Pass the details over to fill the node 
(C) Use the if statement to add the node to the list 

node * insert_Node(node * head, node * previous, string key) 

node * new_node, * temp; 

new_node = new node; //create the node 

new_node ->word = key; 
new_node -> link = NULL; 

if (head == NULL || key < head->word ) //empty list 
     //give address of head to temp 
     temp = head; 

     //head now points to the new_node 
      head = new_node; 

     //new_node now points to what head was pointing at 
      new_node -> link = temp; 


    //pass address held in link to temp 
    temp = previous-> link; 

     //put address of new node to link of previous 
     previous -> link = new_node; 

     //pass address of temp to link of new node 
     new_node -> link = temp; 


return head; 


node * delete_node(node *head, node * previous, string key) 
    /* this function will delete a node but will not return its 
      contents */ 
    node * temp; 

    if(key == head->word) //delete node at head of list 
     temp = head; 

        //point head at the next node 
     head = head -> link; 

     //holds the address of the node after the one 
     // to be deleted 
     temp = previous-> link; 

        /*assign the previous to the address of the 
        present node to be deleted which holds 
        the address of the next node */ 

     previous-> link = previous-> link-> link; 

    delete temp; 
    return head; 
}//end delete 


enter code here 

    int choice, i=0, counter=0; 
int fclass[10]; 
    int coach[10]; 
printf("Welcome to the booking program"); 
    printf("\n Please pick one of the following option:"); 
    printf("\n 1) Reserve a first class seat on Flight 101."); 
    printf("\n 2) Reserve a coach seat on Flight 101."); 
    printf("\n 3) Quit "); 
    printf("\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------"); 
    printf("\nYour choice?"); 

     case 1: 

      if (i <10){ 
       printf("Here is your seat: %d " , fclass[i]); 
      else if (i = 10) 

       printf("Sorry there is no more seats on First Class. Please wait for the next flight"); 
       case 2: 
        if (i <10){ 
         printf("Here is your Seat Coach: %d " , coach[i]); 

        else if (i = 10) 

         printf("Sorry their is no more Seats on Coach. Please wait for the next flight"); 

     case 3: 
      printf("Thank you and goodbye\n"); 
} while (choice != 3); 



備註:您的第二個代碼塊中的條件語句需要雙等號(==)。 – skaz 2011-03-13 00:10:26


與第一個塊相同 – 2011-03-13 00:13:12


這個鏈表是否應該按「word」排序? – Beta 2011-03-13 04:15:45



我不完全知道你是問什麼,但如果我理解你的問題,你」 [R e試圖將2的值轉換爲delete_node()。


無論哪種方式,請務必修復您的else if()報表。你想要(i == 10)而不是(i = 10),因爲你正在尋找平等,而不是分配。