假設您有一個圖表表示在make文件中定義的依賴關係。什麼是(an?)算法,用於確定構建依賴性的順序以及可並行化的內容(使用-jX標誌時)。什麼是「make -jX」算法
A: B C
B: D
C: D
假設您有一個圖表表示在make文件中定義的依賴關係。什麼是(an?)算法,用於確定構建依賴性的順序以及可並行化的內容(使用-jX標誌時)。什麼是「make -jX」算法
A: B C
B: D
C: D
通過使用make -d
$ make -r -d -j
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Updating makefiles....
Considering target file `Makefile'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `Makefile'.
No implicit rule found for `Makefile'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `Makefile'.
No need to remake target `Makefile'.
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `A'.
File `A' does not exist.
Considering target file `B'.
File `B' does not exist.
Considering target file `D'.
File `D' does not exist.
Finished prerequisites of target file `D'.
Must remake target `D'.
Putting child 0x7fdae2c08110 (D) PID 71724 on the chain.
Commands of `D' are being run.
Finished prerequisites of target file `B'.
The prerequisites of `B' are being made.
Considering target file `C'.
File `C' does not exist.
Pruning file `D'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `C'.
The prerequisites of `C' are being made.
Finished prerequisites of target file `A'.
The prerequisites of `A' are being made.
Live child 0x7fdae2c08110 (D) PID 71724
Reaping winning child 0x7fdae2c08110 PID 71724
Removing child 0x7fdae2c08110 PID 71724 from chain.
Considering target file `A'.
File `A' does not exist.
Considering target file `B'.
File `B' does not exist.
Considering target file `D'.
File `D' was considered already.
Finished prerequisites of target file `B'.
Must remake target `B'.
Putting child 0x7fdae2c083c0 (B) PID 71729 on the chain.
Commands of `B' are being run.
Considering target file `C'.
File `C' does not exist.
Pruning file `D'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `C'.
Must remake target `C'.
Live child 0x7fdae2c083c0 (B) PID 71729
Putting child 0x7fdae2c09020 (C) PID 71734 on the chain.
Commands of `C' are being run.
Finished prerequisites of target file `A'.
The prerequisites of `A' are being made.
Live child 0x7fdae2c09020 (C) PID 71734
Live child 0x7fdae2c083c0 (B) PID 71729
Reaping winning child 0x7fdae2c083c0 PID 71729
Removing child 0x7fdae2c083c0 PID 71729 from chain.
Live child 0x7fdae2c09020 (C) PID 71734
Considering target file `A'.
File `A' does not exist.
Considering target file `B'.
File `B' was considered already.
Considering target file `C'.
Still updating file `C'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `A'.
The prerequisites of `A' are being made.
Live child 0x7fdae2c09020 (C) PID 71734
Reaping winning child 0x7fdae2c09020 PID 71734
Removing child 0x7fdae2c09020 PID 71734 from chain.
Considering target file `A'.
File `A' does not exist.
Considering target file `B'.
File `B' was considered already.
Considering target file `C'.
File `C' was considered already.
Finished prerequisites of target file `A'.
Must remake target `A'.
Putting child 0x7fdae2c090c0 (A) PID 71739 on the chain.
Commands of `A' are being run.
Live child 0x7fdae2c090c0 (A) PID 71739
Reaping winning child 0x7fdae2c090c0 PID 71739
Removing child 0x7fdae2c090c0 PID 71739 from chain.
Considering target file `A'.
File `A' was considered already.
Live child 0x7fdae2c09020 (C) PID 71734
Live child 0x7fdae2c083c0 (B) PID 71729
請參見[拓撲排序](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting),其中「圖的頂點可以表示要執行的任務,並且邊可以表示必須先執行一個任務之前必須執行的約束另一個「 –
@ jwpat7:我想真正的問題是如何將頂點分配給線程。 –