2012-03-22 34 views

我試圖教我有點的Javascript和使用使這個集合,我在隨機時間間隔淡出的div jQuery的作爲一個實驗!fadeTo完成時,褪色的div回用新的顏色(RGBA)



    author: Tim Down 
    source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4257739/1252748 
function hasClass(el, cssClass) { 

    return el.className && new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + cssClass + "(\\s|$)").test(el.className); 


function checkVisibility(id) { 


function timeFunction(current, element) { 

    var elementId = element.id; 

     author: Remy Sharp 
     source: http://twitter.com/#!/rem/status/15427387974 
    var color = '#' + (~~ (Math.random() * 16777215)).toString(16); 
    var border = '#' + (~~ (Math.random() * 16777215)).toString(16); 


    $('#' + elementId).css("backgroundColor", color); 
    $('#' + elementId).css("border", "1px solid " + border); 


function randomFromInterval(from, to, qty) { 

     author: Francisc 
     source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7228322/1252748 

    var arr = []; 

    for (var i=0; i <= qty; i++) { 
     arr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from); 

    return arr; 

function getDelayArray(qty) { 

    var from = 100; 
    var to = 10000; 
    var delayArray = randomFromInterval(from, to, qty); 

    return delayArray; 


function filterUndefinedRecordsInArray(arr) { 

     author: vsync 
     source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2843625/1252748 

    //arr = arr.filter(function(){return true}); 
    arr = arr.filter(Number); 

    return arr; 

//remove non-numbers 
function only_numbers(str) { 

    //remove non-numbers 

     author: csj 
     source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1862219/1252748 

    str = str.replace(/\D/g,''); 
    return str; 


function getColors() { 

    var colors = randomFromInterval(0, 255, 3); 

    var r = colors[0]; 
    var g = colors[1]; 
    var b = colors[2]; 

    //random alpha 
    var a = (Math.random()).toFixed(2); 

    var c = { 

     r: r, 
     g: g, 
     b: b, 
     a: a, 


    return c; 

$(document).ready(function() { 

    var grid  = ""; 
    var idCounter = 0; 
    var rows  = 15; 
    var columns = 15; 
    for (var g = 1; g <= rows; g++) { 

     grid += "<div class='break'>"; 

     for (var i = 1; i <= columns; i++) { 

      var c = getColors(); 
      var b = getColors(); 
      grid += "<div id='div_" + idCounter + "' class='fl pixel' style='background-color:rgba(" + c.r + "," + c.g + "," + c.b + "," + c.a + "); border:2px solid rgba(" + b.r + "," + b.g + "," + b.b + "," + b.a + ")'></div>"; 


     grid += "<div class='cb'></div>"; 
     grid += "</div>"; 



    //how to distribute the fading times 
    var delayArray = getDelayArray(15); 

    var idArray = []; 

    var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); 

    var current = 0; 

    while (current <= (elements.length - 1)) { 

     var currentElement = elements[current]; 

     if (hasClass(elements[current], "pixel")) { 

      //get the divs' ids but remove the "div_" from the beginning 
      var cleanCurrentElementId = only_numbers(currentElement.id); 

      //an array of the ids of all the divs with the class 'pixel' 
      //but it still gets some elements filled with undefined as 
      //it increments outside the if (hasClass) loop 
      //so below it must have these undefined elements removed 
      idArray[current] = cleanCurrentElementId; 

    //an array of all the ids of the divs on the page that have the 'pixel' class 
    var cleanIdArray = filterUndefinedRecordsInArray(idArray); 

    //randomly pick a quantity from the above array (cleanIdArray) 
    //set from/to/qty variables so that the randomly chosen numbers 
    //are within the range of the availble divs 
    var from = 1; 
    var to  = cleanIdArray.length; 
    var qty = 250; 
    var idsToFade = randomFromInterval(from, to, qty); 

    for (var fadeId in idsToFade) { 

     var tempId = idsToFade[fadeId]; 

     var delay = getDelayArray(1); 

     $('#div_' + tempId).fadeTo(delay[0], 0); 

     //checkVisibility($('#div_' + tempId).attr('id')); 





儘管當我淡化他們時,我想再給他們一個rgba值;我明白jquery .css不支持。有沒有人有一個想法,我怎麼能給一個新的rgb和不透明的價值。





function giveRandomValue(){ 
    // Use your getColors() function here to set a new color and opacity 

    // var color = ...; 
    // $(this).css('background-color', color); 
    // etc... 

$('#div_' + tempId).fadeTo(delay[0], 0, giveRandomValue); 

Documentation at jquery.com


謝謝!當我插入它(http://jsfiddle.net/loren_hibbard/jcyfG/)時,它完美的工作! – 1252748 2012-03-22 15:02:32


但是,當我嘗試將它改變的元素的id傳遞給它時,它會中斷。 $('#div_'+ tempId).fadeTo(delay [0],0,giveRandomValue(tempId)); 這樣, 函數giveRandomValue(div)var now = new Date() console.log(div); console.log(now); } 爲每個div褪色返回相同的確切時間戳,而之前,它們是連續的。 http://jsfiddle.net/loren_hibbard/BfQfz/ – 1252748 2012-03-22 15:07:11


這不是你如何使用回調;)你不能提供這樣的參數,它只會接受函數的名稱來調用。然後該函數將被設置爲正被褪色的元素「this」。在'giveRandomValue'裏面,你可以使用'$(this)'獲得jquery元素。不需要直接處理id。事實上,你可以使用Rodolphe的'randomDiv'作爲回調函數,只需將他的函數改爲'$(this).css({'... – Supr 2012-03-22 15:19:51



function randomColor() { 
    return '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF).toString(16).toUpperCase(); 

function randomOpacity() { 
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)/100; 

function randomDiv(div) { 
    'background-color': randomColor(), 
    'opacity': randomOpacity() 

謝謝,都!我仍然遇到了回調部分的問題。這似乎總是給我帶來麻煩。 Rodolphe,我在這裏嘗試了你的解決方案(http://jsfiddle.net/loren_hibbard/sM32J/)。你能告訴我我做錯了什麼嗎? – 1252748 2012-03-22 14:57:44