2013-05-22 41 views



//Users ID, who shoud be located in the field "Users" 
var us1 = 110; 
var us2 = 113; 
var uw3 = 115; 

     operation: "UpdateListItems", 
     async: false, 
     batchCmd: "Update", 
     listName: "testList", 
     valuepairs: [["users", us1]], 
     ID: 5, 
     completefunc: function(xData, Status) { 
      alert("yeah, ready!"); 

現在領域[ 「用戶」]具有輸入 「多個用戶」,並且此方法僅增加一個用戶(US1)。 那麼,如何添加到字段[「用戶」]幾個用戶(us1,us2,us3)?


*我的意思是,「很多用戶在項目的Sharepoint 2010添加多個用戶」 – reNNN


你嘗試過什麼?當你發佈一些你已經嘗試過讓其他人可以看看它並提出建議的東西時,StackOverflow往往可以發揮最佳效果。 –


好的,謝謝。我是新手,並會嘗試獲取更多信息。 – reNNN




<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"> 

function UpdateParticipants(listName, itemId, userName, userId, initialData) { 

    var usersToSet = ""; 
    if (!IsStringEmpty(initialData)) { 
     usersToSet = initialData + ";#" + userId + ";#" + userName; 
    } else { 
     usersToSet = userId + ";#" + userName; 

     operation: "UpdateListItems", 
     async: false, 
     debug: true, 
     listName: listName, 
     ID: itemId, 
     valuepairs: [["EventParticipants", usersToSet]], 
     completefunc: function (xData, Status) { 
      if (Status != "success") { 
       alert("Something Went Wrong. You haven't applied for the event, please contact Event Manager."); 
      } else { 
       alert("You have succesfully applied for the event."); 


function RemoveParticipant(listName, itemId, userName, userId, initialData) { 

    var usersToDelete = userId + ";#" + userName; 
    var usersToSet = initialData.replace(usersToDelete, ""); 

     operation: "UpdateListItems", 
     async: false, 
     debug: true, 
     listName: listName, 
     ID: itemId, 
     valuepairs: [["EventParticipants", usersToSet]], 
     completefunc: function (xData, Status) { 
      if (Status != "success") { 
       alert("Something Went Wrong. You haven't resigned from the event, please contact Event Manager."); 
      } else { 
       alert("You have succesfully resigned from the event."); 


function IsStringEmpty(inputString) { 
    if (inputString != null && inputString != "" && inputString != "undefined" && inputString.length > 0) { 
     return false; 
    return true; 


LISTNAME - 是的,事實上,名單GUID在我的情況... :)
