,如果你的事件日誌的創建,那麼你可以做日誌EventLog.WriteEntry("StackApp", message);
//create a log
string source;
string logName;
string machineName;//use "." for this machine
if (!EventLog.Exists(logName, machineName))
EventSourceCreationData creationData = new EventSourceCreationData(source, name);
//find your log in the windows EventLog by name
EventLog log = null;
foreach (EventLog eventLog in EventLog.GetEventLogs())
if (string.Compare(eventLog.Log, logName, true) == 0)
log = eventLog;
//modify log settings
log.ModifyOverflowPolicy(OverflowAction.OverwriteAsNeeded, 7);
log.MaximumKilobytes = MaxLogSize;
//write to event to log
EventLog.WriteEntry(source, message);
//more advance writing to log instance
long instanceId;
int categoryId;;
EventLogEntryType entryType;
byte[] binaryData;
object[] values;
EventInstance eventInstance = new EventInstance(instanceId, categoryId, entryType);
log.WriteEvent(eventInstance, binaryData, values);