提供了埃裏克斯解決方案爲例,該適配器可以保持跟蹤「頁腳」的 位置兩個額外的成員,它的事件處理程序:
class ImageViewGridAdapter : ArrayAdapter<int>
private readonly List<int> images;
public int EventHandlerPosition { get; set; }
public EventHandler AddNewImageEventHandler { get; set; }
public ImageViewGridAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, List<int> images)
: base(context, textViewResourceId, images)
this.images = images;
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
ImageView v = (ImageView)convertView;
if (v == null)
LayoutInflater li = (LayoutInflater)this.Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
v = (ImageView)li.Inflate(Resource.Layout.GridItem_Image, null);
// ** Need to assign event handler in here, since GetView
// is called an arbitrary # of times, and the += incrementor
// will result in multiple event fires
// Technique 1 - More flexisble, more maintenance ////////////////////
if (position == EventHandlerPosition)
v.Click += AddNewImageEventHandler;
// Technique 2 - less flexible, less maintenance /////////////////////
if (position == images.Count)
v.Click += AddNewImageEventHandler;
if (images[position] != null)
return v;
List<int> images = new List<int> {
Resource.Drawable.image1, Resource.Drawable.image2, Resource.Drawable.image_footer
ImageViewGridAdapter recordAttachmentsAdapter = new ImageViewGridAdapter(Activity, 0, images);
recordAttachmentsAdapter.EventHandlerPosition = images.Count;
recordAttachmentsAdapter.AddNewImageEventHandler += NewAttachmentClickHandler;
_recordAttachmentsGrid.Adapter = recordAttachmentsAdapter;
將它添加到適配器似乎很酷。但是footview肯定會比gridview中的其他項目更寬。任何方式來處理這個? – onemach
在這種情況下,您將不得不使用自定義適配器。然後檢查,如果'位置== items.length - 1',然後膨脹更廣泛的'視圖'。 – Eric
我的意思是腳的視圖應該佔據一排。而其他行有3個項目。如何才能做到這一點? – onemach