2017-08-03 53 views

我在這裏掙扎。我的JS在下面。 這裏的目標 - 用戶選擇課程類型 - WS或AC。 如果選中「現場」,則將AC值更新爲課程重量下的1.5。JS變量與IF ELSE

人數有不同的值,取決於是否選擇AC或WS。因此,在計算總計函數中有一個if語句,用於查看課程類型值 - AC或WS。

JSHint是在257行報告 - 預期條件表達式,而是看到了任務。

    //Set up an associative array 
       //The keys represent the size/weightof the course type 
       //The values represent the weight of the course type 
       var course_weight = []; 

       //Set up an associative array 
       //The keys represent the size/weightof the course type 
       //The values represent the weight of the course type 
       var course_type = new Array(); 

       //Set up an associative array 
       //The keys represent the number of days 
       //The value represents the number of days 
       //We use this this array when the user set the number of days from the form 
       var number_days= new Array(); 
       number_days["None"]=0 ; 
       number_days["1"]=1 ; 
       number_days["2"]=2 ; 
       number_days["3"]=3 ; 
       number_days["4"]=4 ; 
       number_days["5"]=5 ; 

       //Set up an associative array 
       //The keys represent the number of AC people 
       //The value represents thenumber of people 
       //We use this this array when the user set number of people from the form 
       var ACnumber_people= new Array(); 

        //Set up an associative array Workshop 
       //The keys represent the number of WS people 
       //The value represents thenumber of people 
       //We use this this array when the user set number of people from the form 
       var WSnumber_people= new Array(); 

        //Onsite course delivery 
       //getTrainerExp finds the trainer expenses based on a check box selection 
       function getOnsite() 

        var onsite="no"; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the checkbox id="includeexp" 
        var onSite = document.getElementById('onsite'); 

        //If they checked the box set the course type value for Academy to 1.5 
        //return the trainer expenses 
        return onsite; 

       // getCourseWeight() finds the course weight for integer based on the slection. 
       // take user's the selection from radio button selection 
       function getCourseWeight() 
        var courseweight=0; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the typre the user Chooses name=selectedcoursetype": 
        var selectedCourseWeight = theForm.elements["selectedcoursetype"]; 
        //Here since there are 4 radio buttons selectedCourseType.length = 4 
        //We loop through each radio buttons 
        for(var i = 0; i < selectedCourseWeight.length; i++) 


         //if the radio button is checked 
          //we set coursetype to the value of the selected radio button 
          //i.e. if the user choose the WS we set it to 1 
          //We get the selected Items value 
          //For example course_prices["WS".value]" 
          courseweight = course_weight[selectedCourseWeight[i].value]; 
          //If we get a match then we break out of this loop 
          //No reason to continue if we get a match 

        //We return the coursetype 
        return courseweight; 

       // getCourseType() finds the course type - AC or WS based on the selection. 
       // take user's the selection from radio button selection 
       function getCourseType() 
        var coursetype="none"; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the typre the user Chooses name=selectedcoursetype": 
        var selectedCourseType = theForm.elements["selectedcoursetype"]; 
        //Here since there are 4 radio buttons selectedCourseType.length = 4 
        //We loop through each radio buttons 
        for(var i = 0; i < selectedCourseType.length; i++) 
         //if the radio button is checked 
          //we set coursetype to the value of the selected radio button 
          //i.e. if the user choose the WS we set it to 1 
          //We get the selected Items value 
          //For example course_prices["WS".value]" 
          coursetype = course_type[selectedCourseType[i].value]; 
          //If we get a match then we break out of this loop 
          //No reason to continue if we get a match 

        //We return the coursetype 
        return coursetype; 

       //This function finds the number of days based on the 
       //drop down selection 
       function getNumberDays() 
        var numberdays=0; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the select id="days" 
        var selectedDays = theForm.elements["days"]; 

        //set Days equal to value user chose 
        //For example number_days["Lemon".value] would be equal to 5 
        numberdays = number_days[selectedDays.value]; 

        //finally we return numberdays 
        return numberdays; 

       //This function finds the number of AC people based on the 
       //drop down selection 
       function getACNumberPeople() 
        var ACnumberpeople=0; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the select id="people" 
        var selectedPeople = theForm.elements["people"]; 

        //set AC People equal to value user chose 
        //For example number_days["Lemon".value] would be equal to 5 
        ACnumberpeople = ACnumber_people[selectedPeople.value]; 

        //finally we return numberdays 
        return ACnumberpeople; 

       //This function finds the number of WS people based on the 
       //drop down selection 
       function getWSNumberPeople() 
        var WSnumberpeople=0; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the select id="people" 
        var selectedPeople = theForm.elements["people"]; 

        //set WSPeople equal to value user chose 

        WSnumberpeople = WSnumber_people[selectedPeople.value]; 

        //finally we return numberdays 
        return WSnumberpeople; 

       //getTrainerExp finds the trainer expenses based on a check box selection 
       function getTrainerExp() 

        var trainerexp="None"; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the checkbox id="includeexp" 
        var includeExp = document.getElementById('includeexp'); 

        //If they checked the box set trainerexp to ACMEEXP 
         trainerexp=" - ACM-EXP"; 
        //return the trainer expenses 
        return trainerexp; 

       //getTrainerKit finds the kit shipping based on a check box selection 
       function getTrainerKit() 

        var trainerkit="None"; 
        //Get a reference to the form id="courseform" 
        var theForm = document.forms["courseform"]; 
        //Get a reference to the checkbox id="includekit" 
        var includeKit = document.getElementById('includekit'); 

        //If they checked the box set trainerexp to ACMEEXP 
         trainerkit=" ACM-SHP"; 
        //return the trainer expenses 
        return trainerkit; 

       function calculateTotal() 
        //Here we get the total price by calling our function 
        //Each function returns a number so by calling them we add the values they return together 
        var pointstotal = 

        if (course_type = AC) 
         getCourseWeight() * getNumberDays() * getACNumberPeople() 
        else if (course_type = WS) 
         getCourseWeight() * getNumberDays() * getWSNumberPeople() 


        } ; 

        //display the result 
        var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPoints'); 
        divobj.innerHTML = "Points Total = " +pointstotal; 


       function calculateExp() 
        var expense = getTrainerExp() ; 
        var days = getNumberDays() ; 

        document.getElementById("trainerexp").innerHTML = "Please include Qty " +days +expense; 
        document.getElementById("trainertra").innerHTML = "Please include Qty 1 - ACM-TRA " 

       function calculateKit() 
        var kit = getTrainerKit() ; 

        document.getElementById("trainerkit").innerHTML = "Please include Qty 1 - " +kit; 


       function hideTotal() 
        var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice'); 

       function btns() 


時退房*在[MCVE]最小的* – j08691


您還可以在'如果(course_type = AC)' – j08691


除了賦值從lint錯誤中,你是否試圖使用'if'語句作爲右側表達式?我的意思是'var pointstotal = if(...){表達式}'沒有任何意義。運行腳本時它應該會引發錯誤。 – Teemu




//We return the coursetype 
return coursetype; 

刪除if語句 – DudeNamedBen