2016-04-15 59 views

我正在構建一個內部使用另一個udf的udf,但我在迭代變量中收到了錯誤「ByRef argument missing」,我有這個字符串「-60981- - :54044,-60981 - :54044,-60981 - :53835,-60981 - :53835,「我想刪除重複的項目,所以我想取回這個字符串」-60981 - :54044, 60981 - :53835,」這裏是第一UDF,這就是我想要第二個內部使用: 第一UDF:的getJSONUDF內的UDF不起作用(ByRef參數類型不匹配)

Public Function getJSON(JSONObject As String, ObjectNumber As Integer, GetBack As Integer) As Variant 
' 0 = object and property 
' 1 = object 
' 2 = property of object 
Dim CompleteObject As String 
Dim ObjectsInJSON As Integer 
ObjectsInJSON = Len(JSONObject) - Len(Application.Substitute(JSONObject, ",", "")) 

If ObjectNumber <= ObjectsInJSON Then 
If ObjectNumber = 1 Then 
CompleteObject = Left(JSONObject, Application.Find(",", JSONObject, 1) - 1) 
CompleteObject = Application.Substitute(Mid(JSONObject, FindN(",",JSONObject, 1, ObjectNumber - 1) + 1, FindN(",", JSONObject, 1, ObjectNumber) - FindN(",", JSONObject, 1, ObjectNumber - 1)), ",", "") 
End If 
Select Case GetBack 
Case Is = 0 
getJSON = CompleteObject 
Case Is = 1 
getJSON = Left(CompleteObject, Application.Find(":", CompleteObject, 1) - 1) 
Case Is = 2 
getJSON = Right(CompleteObject, Len(CompleteObject) - Application.Find(":", CompleteObject, 1)) 
End Select 
getJSON = CVErr(xlErrNA) 
End If 
End Function 

第二UDF GetUniqueTrailers

Public Function GetUniqueTrailers(JSON As String) As String 
Dim i, TrailersCounter As Integer 
TrailersCounter = Len(JSON) - Len(Application.Substitute(JSON, ",", "")) 
Dim ArrayOfTrailers() As String 
For i = 1 To TrailersCounter 
'here below occurs this error, in the i variable 
If IsError(Application.VLookup(getJSON(JSON, i, 0), ArrayOfTrailers, 1, False)) Then 
ReDim Preserve ArrayOfTrailers(i) 
ArrayOfTrailers(i) = getJSON(JSONstring, i, 0) 
Next i 
'convert array to text 
For i = 1 To UBound(ArrayOfTrailers) 
GetUniqueTrailers = getuniquetraileres & ArrayOfTrailers(i) & "," 
Next i 

End Function 



做,我要做一個又一個 「concatenateRange」 UDF,它只是加入每個單元格的值= concatenateRange( 「A1:A100」)爲例,我並修改此UDF:

Public Function GetUniqueTrailers(TheRange As Range) As String 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim tempRange As Range 
Dim tempText As String 

For i = 1 To TheRange.Cells.Count 
Set tempRange = Range(TheRange.Item(1).Address, TheRange.Item(i).Address) 
tempText = ConcatenateRange(tempRange) 
If i = 1 Then 
GetUniqueTrailers = TheRange.Item(1).Value & "," 
If InStr(1, GetUniqueTrailers, TheRange.Item(i).Value, vbTextCompare) <= 0 Then 
GetUniqueTrailers = GetUniqueTrailers & TheRange.Item(i).Value & "," 
End If 
End If 
Next i 
End Function