我有一個應該找到x和y位置的腳本。我可以在沒有任何問題的情況下找到x位置,但是我的y位置似乎是無窮大,我無法弄清楚原因。這裏是我的腳本x和y位置查找器JQuery JS
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script language"javascript" type"text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
grid: [10, 10],
containment: "#picture_container",
revert: 'invalid',
stop: function(){
var elementName = $(this).attr('name');
var elementID = $(this).attr('id');
elementID = elementID.split(",");
var parent = $(this).parent();
/*finding the x and y position percentage based on the container*/
var yPosition = parseInt($(this).css('top'))/parent.height()*100;
var xPosition = parseInt($(this).css('left'))/parent.width()*100;
console.log(xPosition); //displays without anyproblem
console.log(yPosition); //does not work (infinity
/*assigning the div id to variable for further display and debugging purpose*/
for (var k = 0; k < elementID.length; k++) {
var device_id = elementID[0];
var command = elementID[1];
var map_id = elementID[2];
/*assigining values to variables*/
revert: 'invalid'
<style type="text/css">
/* to display the boiler background picture*/
.view_parent_furnace_boiler {
position: relative;
background-position: relative;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
padding: 0em;
margin: 0em;
border-image-width: 5% 2em 10% auto;
border: 3px solid #ccc;
background:radial-gradient(circle, black, white);
.view_parent_furnace_boiler img {
max-width: auto;
max-height: auto;
.view_parent_furnace_boiler span {
color: #000;
.device-container {
position: absolute; /*could be relative*/
cursor: move;
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