這適用於任何試圖以不同於系統音量的音量播放iPod音樂庫中的音樂/播放列表的人。在那裏有幾個帖子說[MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer]
// Presumably in your SoundManage.m file (or whatever you call it) ...
#import <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
@interface SoundManager()
@property (retain, nonatomic) AVPlayer* audioPlayer;
@property (retain, nonatomic) AVPlayerItem* currentItem;
@property (retain, nonatomic) MPMediaItemCollection* currentPlaylist;
@property (retain, nonatomic) MPMediaItem* currentTrack;
@property (assign, nonatomic) MPMusicPlaybackState currentPlaybackState;
@implementation SoundManager
@synthesize audioPlayer;
@synthesize currentItem = m_currentItem;
@synthesize currentPlaylist;
@synthesize currentTrack;
@synthesize currentPlaybackState;
- (id) init
//Define an AVPlayer instance
AVPlayer* tempPlayer = [[AVPlayer alloc] init];
self.audioPlayer = tempPlayer;
[tempPlayer release];
//load the playlist you want to play
MPMediaItemCollection* playlist = [self getPlaylistWithName: @"emo-pop-unicorn-blood-rage-mix-to-the-max"];
[self loadPlaylist: playlist];
//initialize the playback state
self.currentPlaybackState = MPMusicPlaybackStateStopped;
//start the music playing
[self playMusic];
//Have a way to get a playlist reference (as an MPMediaItemCollection in this case)
- (MPMediaItemCollection*) getPlaylistWithName:(NSString *)playlistName
MPMediaQuery* query = [[MPMediaQuery alloc] init];
MPMediaPropertyPredicate* mediaTypePredicate = [MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: MPMediaTypeMusic] forProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyMediaType];
[query addFilterPredicate: mediaTypePredicate];
[query setGroupingType: MPMediaGroupingPlaylist];
NSArray* playlists = [query collections];
[query release];
for(MPMediaItemCollection* testPlaylist in playlists)
NSString* testPlaylistName = [testPlaylist valueForProperty: MPMediaPlaylistPropertyName];
if([testPlaylistName isEqualToString: playlistName])
return testPlaylist;
return nil;
//Override the setter on currentItem so that you can add/remove
//the notification listener that will tell you when the song has completed
- (void) setCurrentItem:(AVPlayerItem *)currentItem
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification object:m_currentItem];
[m_currentItem release];
m_currentItem = [currentItem retain];
m_currentItem = nil;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleMusicTrackFinished) name:AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification object:m_currentItem];
//handler that gets called when the name:AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification notification fires
- (void) handleMusicTrackFinished
[self skipSongForward]; //or something similar
//Have a way to load a playlist
- (void) loadPlaylist:(MPMediaItemCollection *)playlist
self.currentPlaylist = playlist;
self.currentTrack = [playlist.items objectAtIndex: 0];
//Play the beats, yo
- (void) playMusic
//check the current playback state and exit early if we're already playing something
if(self.currentPlaybackState == MPMusicPlaybackStatePlaying)
if(self.currentPlaybackState == MPMusicPlaybackStatePaused)
[self.audioPlayer play];
else if(self.currentTrack)
//Get the system url of the current track, and use that to make an AVAsset object
NSURL* url = [self.currentTrack valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL];
AVAsset* asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil];
//Get the track object from the asset object - we'll need to trackID to tell the
//AVPlayer that it needs to modify the volume of this track
AVAssetTrack* track = [[asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio] objectAtIndex:0];
//Build the AVPlayerItem - this is where you modify the volume, etc. Not the AVPlayer itself
AVPlayerItem* playerItem = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithAsset: asset]; //initWithURL:url];
self.currentItem = playerItem;
//Set up some audio mix parameters to tell the AVPlayer what to do with this AVPlayerItem
AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters* audioParams = [AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParameters];
[audioParams setVolume: 0.5 atTime:kCMTimeZero]; //replace 0.5 with your volume
[audioParams setTrackID: track.trackID]; //here's the track id
//Set up the actual AVAudioMix object, which aggregates effects
AVMutableAudioMix* audioMix = [AVMutableAudioMix audioMix];
[audioMix setInputParameters: [NSArray arrayWithObject: audioParams]];
//apply your AVAudioMix object to the AVPlayerItem
[playerItem setAudioMix:audioMix];
//refresh the AVPlayer object, and play the track
[self.audioPlayer replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem: playerItem];
[self.audioPlayer play];
self.currentPlaybackState = MPMusicPlaybackStatePlaying;
- (void) pauseMusic
if(self.currentPlaybackState == MPMusicPlaybackStatePaused)
[self.audioPlayer pause];
self.currentPlaybackState = MPMusicPlaybackStatePaused;
- (void) skipSongForward
//adjust self.currentTrack to be the next object in self.currentPlaylist
//start the new track in a manner similar to that used in -playMusic
- (void) skipSongBackward
float currentTime = self.audioPlayer.currentItem.currentTime.value/self.audioPlayer.currentItem.currentTime.timescale;
//if we're more than a second into the song, just skip back to the beginning of the current track
if(currentTime > 1.0)
[self.audioPlayer seekToTime: CMTimeMake(0, 1)];
//otherwise, adjust self.currentTrack to be the previous object in self.currentPlaylist
//start the new track in a manner similar to that used in -playMusic
//Set volume mid-song - more or less the same process we used in -playMusic
- (void) setMusicVolume:(float)vol
AVPlayerItem* item = self.audioPlayer.currentItem;
AVAssetTrack* track = [[item.asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio] objectAtIndex:0];
AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters* audioParams = [AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParameters];
[audioParams setVolume: vol atTime:kCMTimeZero];
[audioParams setTrackID: track.trackID];
AVMutableAudioMix* audioMix = [AVMutableAudioMix audioMix];
[audioMix setInputParameters: [NSArray arrayWithObject: audioParams]];
[item setAudioMix:audioMix];
請原諒你看到的任何錯誤 - 讓我知道在評論中,我會解決它們。否則,如果有人遇到同樣的挑戰,我希望這會有所幫助!
其實我找到了一個非常簡單的方法來做到這一點loading iPod URL's from MPMusicPlayer,但隨後通過AVAudioPlayer進行回放。
// Get-da iTunes player thing
MPMusicPlayerController* iTunes = [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer];
// whazzong
MPMediaItem *currentSong = [iTunes nowPlayingItem];
// whazzurl
NSURL *currentSongURL = [currentSong valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL];
info("AVAudioPlayer playing %s", [currentSongURL.absoluteString UTF8String]) ;
// mamme AVAudioPlayer
NSError *err;
avAudioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:currentSongURL error:&err] ;
error("AVAudioPlayer couldn't load %s", [currentSongURL.absoluteString UTF8String]) ;
avAudioPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1; //infinite
// Play that t
[avAudioPlayer prepareToPlay] ;
[avAudioPlayer play];
[avAudioPlayer setVolume:0.5]; // set the AVAUDIO PLAYER's volume to only 50%. This
// does NOT affect system volume. You can adjust this music volume anywhere else too.
- 1. 從iPod音樂庫播放
- 2. AVPlayer沒有從音樂庫中播放
- 3. 使用AVAudioPlayer播放聲音而不停止iPod音樂
- 4. 獲取iPod音軌的音樂數據
- 5. 使用系統聲音播放聲音
- 6. 播放短音後iPod音樂將停止播放!
- 7. 無法用iPod音樂初始化AVPlayer
- 8. 停止音樂應用播放音樂
- 9. 音樂播放
- 10. MPMoviePlayerController停止iPod音樂播放
- 11. 如何在使用AVPlayer播放音頻時添加iPod EQ?
- 12. 連續播放音樂的音樂
- 13. 如何在音樂播放器中播放LRC和音樂
- 14. 使用avaudioplayer播放iPod音樂庫中的.m4a文件
- 15. 使用python播放音樂
- 16. 是否可以在不停止iPod音樂的情況下播放聲音?
- 17. 在ipod音樂開啓時播放聲音(iPad)
- 18. 選擇音樂不從iPhone音樂庫中播放
- 19. 播放聲音作爲系統聲音
- 20. PulpCore音樂播放 - 循環用聲音和動畫音量
- 21. 如何播放音樂,以便在結束後自動播放音樂?
- 22. 播放音樂javascript
- 23. 使用JSON播放器播放音樂
- 24. 從停止播放音樂的時刻繼續播放音樂
- 25. 如何使用MPMusicPlayerController播放音樂?
- 26. 如何使用php播放mp3音樂?
- 27. 如何使用JavaScript播放音樂?
- 28. MediaPlayer Service不播放音樂
- 29. 音樂播放不間斷
- 30. 如何在錄製語音的同時播放背景音樂?