2017-01-13 45 views


問題是,當我使用innerHTML。在包含「設施」列表的表格的頂部,是搜索​​輸入。搜索工作正常(我認爲)。搜索使用'POST'方法並訪問我的文件中的PHP代碼。 PHP代碼的任務是從數據庫中搜索任何匹配的字符串並回顯<script> </script>。這些腳本標籤內部是一個代碼,我在其中搜索要更新的表的ID。然後我改變了&添加了內部HTML。內部HTML內部是一個新的表格行。表格行內是一個表格,這些表格內部是<td> s。無論何時表單(每個錶行內部的表單)提交時,它都應該訪問我的文件中已經寫入的PHP代碼(當頁面首次加載時,它已經存在)。但是每當我點擊桌子上的動作按鈕時,它什麼也不做。它不會觸發寫入的PHP POST代碼。

點擊updatedelete按鈕正常工作如果搜索沒有先點擊,點擊update將創建另一個帶有輸入字段的表格和一個用於保存更改的按鈕。即使它已經寫入文件中的PHP POST代碼,'按鈕保存更改'也不起作用。


<!doctype html> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 


     <div id="addfac"> 
     <p>Add Facility</p> 
      <form method="post" action="facilities.php"> 
       <label name="naFacName">Facility Name: </label> 
       <input type="input" name="inputFacName"><br><br> 
       <label name="naFacType">Facility Type: </label> 
       <select name="naFacSel"> 
         $query = "SELECT * FROM tblFacType WHERE " . 
               "boolArchive = FALSE;"; 
         $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query); 

         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
          $value_added = $row[0]; 
          $value_text = $row[1]; 
          echo "<option name='naFacType' value='$value_added'>$value_text</option> "; 
       <label name="naFacAdd">Facility Address: </label> 
       <input type="input" name="lot" placeholder="Lot No. or Block"> 
       <input type="input" name="street" placeholder="Street"> 
       <input type="input" name="brgy" placeholder="Barangay"><br><br> 
       <input type="input" name="city" placeholder="City"> 
       <input type="input" name="province" placeholder="Province"> 
       <input type="input" name="region" placeholder="Region"> 
       <label name="naFacAddType">Facility Address Type: </label> 
        $query = "SELECT * FROM tblAddType WHERE strAddTypeDesc = 'Facility Address' " . 
                 "AND boolArchive = FALSE;"; 
        $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query); 
        //echo "<br> ERROR IS: " . mysqli_error($con) . " <br>"; 
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
         $row_val = $row[0]; 
         echo "<label value='$row_val'>$row[1]</label>"; 
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='naAddType' value='$row_val'>"; 
       <label name="naFacValue">Facility Value (Day): </label> 
       <input type="input" name="inputFacValue"><br><br> 
       <label name="naFacValueNight">Facility Value (Night): </label> 
       <input type="input" name="inputFacValueNight"> 
       <center><input type="submit" name="Submit_Facility"></center> 

        $add_pk = PrimaryKey::prependPK(PrimaryKey::generatePK(), "ADD-"); 
        $queryStat = true; 

        $lot = $_POST['lot']; 
        $street = $_POST['street']; 
        $brgy = $_POST['brgy']; 
        $city = $_POST['city']; 
        $province = $_POST['province']; 
        $region = $_POST['region']; 

        $fac_name = $_POST['inputFacName']; 
        $fac_val = $_POST['inputFacValue']; 
        $fac_val_night = $_POST['inputFacValueNight']; 
        $fac_type = $_POST['naFacSel']; 
        $add_type = $_POST['naAddType']; 

        $query = "INSERT INTO " . 
           "tblAddress(strAddID, strRegion, strProvince, strCity, strBarangay, " . 
              "strStreet, strLot, intAddTypeID) " . 
           "VALUES('$add_pk', '$lot', '$street', '$brgy', '$city', '$province', " . 
             "'$region', '$add_type');"; 
        if (!mysqli_query($con, $query)) { 
         $queryStat = false; 

        $facloc_pk = PrimaryKey::prependPK(PrimaryKey::generatePK(), "FACLOC-"); 
        $fac_pk = PrimaryKey::prependPK(PrimaryKey::generatePK(), "FAC-"); 

        $query = "INSERT INTO " . 
           "tblFacility(strFacID, strFacName, intFacTypeID, dblFacValDay, dblFacValNight) " . 
           "VALUES('$fac_pk', '$fac_name', $fac_type, $fac_val, $fac_val_night);"; 

        if(!mysqli_query($con, $query)) { 
         $queryStat = false; 

        $query = "INSERT INTO " . 
           "tblFacLoc(strFacLocID, strFacID, strAddID) " . 
           "VALUES('$facloc_pk', '$fac_pk', '$add_pk');"; 

        if(!mysqli_query($con, $query)) { 
         $queryStat = false; 

        if ($queryStat) { 
         echo "<script>alert('Successfully Added!');</script>"; 
        } else { 
         $alert_msg = "Error! " . mysqli_error($con); 
         echo "<script>alert('$alert_msg');</script>"; 

     <h3><center>All Facilities</center></h3> 
      <form method='POST' style='text-align:right'> 
       <label name='naSearch'>Search:</label> 
       <input type='text' name='s_keyword' placeholder='Enter a keyword'> 
       <input type='submit' value='Search' name='btnSubmit'> 

      <table id='tblFacilities'> 
        <th>Facility ID</th> 
        <th>Facility Name</th> 
        <th>Facility Rental Price (Day)</th> 
        <th>Facility Rental Price (Night)</th> 
        <th>Facility Type</th> 
        <th>Facility Location</th> 
        <th colspan=2>Actions</th> 

        $query = "SELECT a.strFacID, a.strFacName, a.dblFacValDay, a.dblFacValNight, " . 
            "b.strFacTypeDesc, " . 
            "d.strUnit, d.strLot, d.strStreet, d.strBarangay, d.strCity, d.strProvince, " . 
            "d.strRegion " . 
          "FROM tblFacility a, tblFacType b, tblFacLoc c, tblAddress d " . 
          "WHERE a.intFacTypeID = b.intFacTypeID AND " . 
            "a.strFacID = c.strFacID AND " . 
            "c.strAddID = d.strAddID AND " . 
            "a.boolArchive = FALSE;"; 

        $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query); 

        while ($tuple = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
         $fac_ID = $tuple[0]; 
         $fac_name = $tuple[1]; 
         $fac_val = $tuple[2]; 
         $fac_val_night = $tuple[3]; 
         $fac_type = $tuple[4]; 
         $fac_add = $tuple[5] . " " . $tuple[6] . " " . $tuple[7] . " " . $tuple[8] . " " . 
             $tuple[9] . " " . $tuple[10] . " " . $tuple[11] . " "; 

         echo "<tr> " . 
           "<form method='post' > " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_id' value='$fac_ID'>$fac_ID</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_name' value='$fac_name'>$fac_name</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_val' value='$fac_val'>$fac_val</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_val_night' value='$fac_val_night'>$fac_val_night</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_type' value='$fac_type'>$fac_type</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_add' value='$fac_add'>$fac_add</td> " . 
            "<td><input type='submit' name='naUpd' value='Update'></td> " . 
            "<td><input type='submit' name='naDel' value='Delete'></td> " . 
           "</form> " . 



      <div style="display: 'solid'"> 
       <table id="tblfaci"> 
         <th>Facility ID</th> 
         <th>Facility Name</th> 
         <th>Facility Rental Price (Day)</th> 
         <th>Facility Rental Price (Night)</th> 
         <th>Facility Type</th> 
         <th colspan=7>Facility Location</th> 

       if (isset($_GET['btnSubmit'])) { 
        $keyword_q = $_GET['s_keyword']; 
        $query = "SELECT a.strFacID, a.strFacName, a.dblFacValDay, a.dblFacValNight, " . 
            "b.strFacTypeDesc, " . 
            "d.strUnit, d.strLot, d.strStreet, d.strBarangay, d.strCity, d.strProvince, " . 
            "d.strRegion " . 
          "FROM tblFacility a, tblFacType b, tblFacLoc c, tblAddress d " . 
          "WHERE a.intFacTypeID = b.intFacTypeID AND " . 
            "a.strFacID = c.strFacID AND " . 
            "c.strAddID = d.strAddID AND " . 
            "a.boolArchive = FALSE AND (" . 
             "a.strFacID LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "a.strFacName LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "b.strFacTypeDesc LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strUnit LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strLot LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strStreet LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strBarangay LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strCity LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "d.strProvince LIKE '%$keyword_q%' OR " . 
             "a.dblFacValDay = " . (int)$keyword_q . " OR " . 
             "a.dblFacValNight = " . (int)$keyword_q . " OR " . 
             "d.strRegion LIKE '%$keyword_q%'" . 

        $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query); 

        echo "<script>" . 
          "var tblFac = document.getElementById('tblFacilities'); " . 
          "tblFac.innerHTML = \"<tr> " . 
              "<th>Facility ID</th> " . 
                "<th>Facility Name</th> " . 
               "<th>Facility Rental Price (Day)</th> " . 
               "<th>Facility Rental Price (Night)</th> " . 
               "<th>Facility Type</th> " . 
               "<th>Facility Location</th> " . 
               "<th colspan=2>Actions</th> " . 
              "</tr>\";" . 

        while ($tuple = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
         $fac_ID = $tuple[0]; 
         $fac_name = $tuple[1]; 
         $fac_val = $tuple[2]; 
         $fac_val_night = $tuple[3]; 
         $fac_type = $tuple[4]; 
         $fac_add = $tuple[5] . " " . $tuple[6] . " " . $tuple[7] . " " . $tuple[8] . " " . 
             $tuple[9] . " " . $tuple[10] . " " . $tuple[11] . " "; 

         echo "<script>" . 
           "var tblFac = document.getElementById('tblFacilities'); " . 
           "tblFac.innerHTML += \"" . 
           "<tr> " . 
            "<form method='post' > " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_id' value='$fac_ID'>$fac_ID</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_name' value='$fac_name'>$fac_name</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_val' value='$fac_val'>$fac_val</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_val_night' value='$fac_val_night'>$fac_val_night</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_type' value='$fac_type'>$fac_type</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='hidden' name='fac_add' value='$fac_add'>$fac_add</td> " . 
             "<td><input type='submit' name='naUpd' value='Update'></td> " . 
             "<td><input type='submit' name='naDel' value='Delete'></td " . 
            "</form> " . 
           "</tr>\";" . 

       if (isset($_POST['naUpd'])) { 
        echo "<script>alert('UPDATE');</script>"; 
        $id = $_POST['fac_id']; 
        $name = $_POST['fac_name']; 
        $val = $_POST['fac_val']; 
        $val_n = $_POST['fac_val_night']; 
        $type = $_POST['fac_type']; 

        $query = "SELECT a.strFacID, a.strFacName, a.dblFacValDay, a.dblFacValNight, " . 
            "b.strFacTypeDesc, " . 
            "d.strUnit, d.strLot, d.strStreet, d.strBarangay, d.strCity, d.strProvince, " . 
            "d.strRegion " . 
          "FROM tblFacility a, tblFacType b, tblFacLoc c, tblAddress d " . 
          "WHERE a.intFacTypeID = b.intFacTypeID AND " . 
            "a.strFacID = c.strFacID AND " . 
            "c.strAddID = d.strAddID AND " . 
            "a.boolArchive = FALSE AND " . 
            "a.strFacID = '$id';"; 

        $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query); 

        while ($tuple = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
         $lot = $tuple[5]; 
         $street = $tuple[6]; 
         $unit = $tuple[7]; 
         $barangay = $tuple[8]; 
         $city = $tuple[9]; 
         $province = $tuple[10]; 
         $region = $tuple[11]; 

         $innerCode = "<script>". 
           "var tblfaci = document.getElementById('tblfaci'); " . 
           "tblfaci.innerHTML += \"" . 
           "<tr><form method='post' action='facilities.php'> ". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_fac_id' value = '$id' readonly></td> ". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_fac_name' value = '$name'></td> ". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_fac_val' value = '$val'></td> ". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_fac_val_night' value = '$val_n'></td> "; 

         $innerCode .= "<td> "; 
          $innerCode .= "<select name='updFacType'>"; 

           $query2 = "SELECT * FROM tblFacType WHERE " . 
               "boolArchive = FALSE;"; 
           $array_fetch = mysqli_query($con, $query2); 

           while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($array_fetch)) { 
            $value_added = $row[0]; 
            $value_text = $row[1]; 
            $innerCode .= "<option name='naUpdFacType' value='$value_added'>$value_text</option>"; 

          $innerCode .= "</select>"; 
         $innerCode .= "</td>";  

         $innerCode .= "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_lot' value = '$lot'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_street' value = '$street'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_unit' value = '$unit'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_barangay' value = '$barangay'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_city' value = '$city'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_province' value = '$province'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='text' name = 'upd_region' value = '$region'></td>". 
           "<td><input type='submit' value = 'Save' name = 'btnSaveUpdate'>". 

         echo $innerCode; 
       if (isset($_POST['naDel'])) { 
        $del_pk = $_POST['fac_id']; 

        $query = "UPDATE tblFacility a, tblFacLoc b, tblAddress c " . 
           "SET a.boolArchive = TRUE, b.boolArchive = TRUE, c.boolArchive = TRUE " . 
           "WHERE a.strFacID = b.strFacID AND " . 
             "c.strAddID = b.strAddID AND " . 
             "a.strFacID = '$del_pk';"; 

        if(!mysqli_query($con, $query)) { 
         $alert_msg = "Error! " . mysqli_error($con); 
         echo "<script>alert('$alert_msg');</script>"; 
        } else { 
         echo "<script>alert('Successfully Removed!');</script>"; 

        header("Location: facilities.php"); 


       if (isset($_POST['btnSaveUpdate'])) { 

        $pk_id = $_POST['upd_fac_id']; 
        $edit_fac_type = $_POST['updFacType']; 
        $upd_fac_name = $_POST['upd_fac_name']; 

        $upd_fac_val = $_POST['']; 
        $upd_fac_val_night = $_POST['']; 

        $upd_region = $_POST['upd_region']; 
        $upd_province = $_POST['upd_province']; 
        $upd_city = $_POST['upd_city']; 
        $upd_barangay = $_POST['upd_barangay']; 
        $upd_street = $_POST['upd_street']; 
        $upd_lot = $_POST['upd_lot']; 

        $query = "UPDATE tblFacility a, tblAddress b, tblFacLoc c " . 
           "SET a.intFacTypeID = (SELECT intFacTypeID " . 
                 "FROM tblFacType " . 
                 "WHERE strFacTypeDesc = '$edit_fac_type'), " . 
            "a.strFacName = '$upd_fac_name', " . 
            "a.dblFacValDay = $upd_fac_val, " . 
            "a.dblFacValNight = $upd_fac_val_night, " . 
            "b.strRegion = '$upd_region', " . 
            "b.strProvince = '$upd_province', " . 
            "b.strCity = '$upd_city', " . 
            "b.strBarangay = '$upd_barangay', " . 
            "b.strStreet = '$upd_street', " . 
            "b.strLot = '$upd_lot' " . 
           "WHERE a.strFacID = c.strFacID AND " . 
            "c.strAddID = b.strAddID AND " . 
            "a.strFacID = '$pk_id';"; 

        if(!mysqli_query($con, $query)) { 
         $alert_msg = "Error! " . mysqli_error($con); 
         echo "<script>alert('$alert_msg');</script>"; 
        } else { 
         echo "<script>alert('Successfully Updated!!');</script>"; 

         header("Location: facilities.php"); 




'作爲''的孩子,''的孩子必須是'​​'或''。 – Barmar





echo "<tr> " . 
     "<td>$fac_ID</td> " . 
     "<td>$fac_name</td> " . 
     "<td>$fac_val</td> " . 
     "<td>$fac_val_night</td> " . 
     "<td>$fac_type</td> " . 
     "<td>$fac_add</td> " . 
     "<td><form method="post">" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_id' value='$fac_ID'>" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_name' value='$fac_name'>" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_val' value='$fac_val'>" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_val_night' value='$fac_val_night'>" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_type' value='$fac_type'>" . 
      "<input type='hidden' name='fac_add' value='$fac_add'>" . 
      "<input type='submit' name='naUpd' value='Update'> " . 
      "<input type='submit' name='naDel' value='Delete'>" . 
     "</form></td> " . 