看過各種VBA示例和MSDN COM文檔後,我已經知道如何去做。
如果你使用數據透視表嚮導,然後在連接字符串 將被存儲在 Workbook.PivotCaches()
函數返回集合中(該PivotCache對象返回 有Connection
屬性,它包含了連接字符串 ) 。
如果您使用「導入外部數據」連接字符串將存儲在 Worksheet.QueryTables
屬性返回集合中 (該對象的QueryTable返回 有Connection
屬性,它包含了連接 字符串)。
static void ChangeConnectionStrings(string directoryName, string oldServerName, string newServerName)
var directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryName);
//get all the excel files from the directory
var files = directory.GetFiles("*.xls", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application application = null;
//create a new application
application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
//go through each excel file
foreach (var file in files)
//open the file
//get the query tables from the worksheets
var sheets = application.Sheets.OfType<Worksheet>();
var queryTables = sheets.SelectMany(s => GetQueryTables(s));
//change the connection string for any query tables
foreach (var queryTable in queryTables)
queryTable.Connection = queryTable.Connection.Replace(oldServerName, newServerName);
//get the pivot table data from the workbooks
var workbooks = application.Workbooks.Cast<Workbook>();
var pivotCaches = workbooks.SelectMany(w => GetPivotCaches(w));
//change the connection string for any pivot tables
foreach (var pivotCache in pivotCaches)
pivotCache.Connection = pivotCache.Connection.Replace(oldServerName, newServerName);
Console.WriteLine("Saving " + file.Name);
//save the changes
foreach (var workbook in workbooks)
//make sure we quit the application
if (application != null)
//PivotCaches isn't Enumerable so we can't just use Cast<PivotCache>, therefore we need a helper function
static IEnumerable<PivotCache> GetPivotCaches(Workbook workbook)
foreach (PivotCache pivotCache in workbook.PivotCaches())
yield return pivotCache;
//QueryTables isn't Enumerable so we can't just use Cast<QueryTable>, therefore we need a helper function
static IEnumerable<QueryTable> GetQueryTables(Worksheet worksheet)
foreach (QueryTable queryTable in worksheet.QueryTables)
yield return queryTable;