問題是,並非每個CreateNotify事件都對應於[b]頂層[/ b]窗口的創建。所以我認爲我需要做的是測試我從事件中獲得的窗口,以確認它是頂級窗口。我已經接近,但一些虛假的窗戶仍然通過我的網絡。例如,在GTK應用程序中,如果您有一個下拉框並單擊它,則會創建一個新窗口,我無法弄清楚如何捕捉和忽略。這樣的窗口與典型的頂層應用程序窗口難以區分。
// I am omiting (tons of) cleanup code and where I set the display and toplevel variables.
Display* display;
Widget toplevel;
bool has_name(Window window)
XTextProperty data = XTextProperty();
return (!XGetWMName (display, window, &data));
bool has_client_leader(Window window)
unsigned long nitems = 0;
unsigned char* data = 0;
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long bytes;
// WM_CLIENT_LEADER is an interned Atom for the WM_CLIENT_LEADER property
int status = XGetWindowProperty (display, window, WM_CLIENT_LEADER, 0L, (~0L), False,
AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes, &data);
if (status != Success || acutal_type == None) return false;
Window* leader = reinterpret_cast<Window*> (data);
return (*leader != 0);
bool has_class(Window window)
XClassHint data = XClassHint();
return (!GetClassHint (display, window, &data));
void handle_event(Widget widget, XtPointer, XEvent* event, Boolean*)
if (event->type != CreateNotify) return;
Window w = event->xcreatewindow.window;
// confirm window has a name
if (!has_name (w)) return;
// confirm window is a client window
Window client = XmuClientWindow (display, w);
if (!client || client != w) return;
// confirm window has a client leader that is not 0x0
if (!has_client_leader (client)) return;
// confirm window has a class
if (!has_class (client)) return;
// The window has passed all our checks!
// Go on to do stuff with the window ...
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ...
// Setting up the event handler for SubstructureNotify on root window
Window root_window = XDefaultRootWindow (display);
Widget dummy = XtCreateWidget ("dummy", coreWidgetClass, toplevel, 0, 0);
XtRegisterDrawable (display, root_window, dummy);
XSelectInput (display, root_window, SubstructureNotifyMask);
XtAddRawEventHandler (dummy, SubstructureNotifyMask, False, handle_event, 0);
// ...
你在做什麼窗口管理器?你爲什麼不實施EWMH? – Zifre 2009-04-10 01:01:46