2016-04-19 45 views



public class SortingCubes { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     System.out.println(" "); 
     System.out.println("-----MY LINKED LIST-----"); 
     Cube headCubeLL = new Cube();       //Create head cube 
     int LLnum = 5;           //Change number of linked list items desired here 
     for(int i = 0; i < LLnum; i++) { 
      headCubeLL.length = Math.random() * 99 + 1;   //Create random L,W,H for each cube (between 1-100) 
      headCubeLL.width = Math.random() * 99 + 1; 
      headCubeLL.height = Math.random() * 99 + 1; 
      headCubeLL.next = null;        //Sets end of list to null 
      if(headCubeLL.next == null) {      //creates new cube until desired number is reached in the for loop 
       Cube curr = new Cube(headCubeLL.length, headCubeLL.width, headCubeLL.height); 
       headCubeLL = curr; 
      headCubeLL.next = null;        //Sets last cube (next) to null to end the list. 
      System.out.println(headCubeLL.toString() + " "); //Print my Linked list until end 
     System.out.println(" "); 
     System.out.println("-----NEW LINKED LIST AFTER MERGE SORT METHOD IS IMPLEMENTED (Asending Order by Volume)-----"); 
     long startTimeMergeSort = System.nanoTime(); 
     long timeElapsedMergeSort = (System.nanoTime()- startTimeMergeSort); 
     printList(headCubeLL); //Method to print linked list 
       System.out.println("Objects in list " + count(headCubeLL)); 
     long startTimeInsertionSort = System.nanoTime(); 

     System.out.println(" "); 
     System.out.println("Time Record: "); 
     System.out.println("Time elapsed for Merge sort on a Linked List: " + timeElapsedMergeSort + " Nanos"); 

    }  //End of Main 

    public static void printList(Cube headCubeLL){ 
     while(headCubeLL != null){ 
      System.out.println(headCubeLL.toString() + " "); 
      headCubeLL = headCubeLL.next; 

    public static int count(Cube head){ 
     int count = 0; 
     while(head != null){ 
      head = head.next; 
     return count; 

    public static Cube mergeSort(Cube headCubeLL) { 

     if(headCubeLL == null || headCubeLL.next == null) {  //checking list is null 
      return headCubeLL; 
     int count = 0;     //To count the total number of elements 
     Cube temp = headCubeLL;   //Temporary head of list 
     while(temp != null) {   //break up the list into two parts 
      count++;     //while not empty, count one and move temp to temp.next to evaluate 
      temp = temp.next; 
     int middle = count/2;   //create an integer called middle and divide the length of your list (count) by 2 
     Cube a = headCubeLL;   //another temp head cube for 1st split list 
     Cube b = null;     //another cube that is null 
     Cube temp2 = headCubeLL;  //create another temp head cube for 2nd list  

     int countHalf = 0;    //start at half 0 again 

     while(temp2 != null) {   //while temp I have for 2nd list is not null.... 
      countHalf++;     //add count to get length of linked list 
      Cube theNext = temp2.next;  //Create new cube that will be assigned to cube after head 
      if(countHalf == middle) {  //once it reaches middle number 
       temp2.next = null;   //end list (set head.next to null for list 2) 
       b = theNext;    //Take my empty null cube and assign it to end with null. 
      temp2 = theNext;    //Otherwise - move along and my temp head will be the temp head.next 
     //Now I have 2 parts, List a and List b. 
     Cube half1 = mergeSort(a);   //Recursively call to sort each half 
     Cube half2 = mergeSort(b); 

     //Merge together 
     Cube merged = merge(half1, half2); //Call 2nd method to merge the 2 halves together 
     //System.out.println(merged.toString());  //Print the L,W,H and Volume of each cube in my array 

     return merged;  //return merged list. 

    public static Cube merge(Cube a, Cube b) {  //parameters are the 2 half's of the original list 
     Cube pt1 = a;     //2 parts that I am going to merge as ascending lists according to volume 
     Cube pt2 = b; 

     Cube tempHead = new Cube();   //Temp head of my New list that cubes will be merged into 
     Cube ptNew = tempHead;    //Temp Head for List my new list 

     while(pt1 != null || pt2 != null) {  //While either list is not empty 
      if(pt1 == null) {     //but if first is null 
       ptNew.next = new Cube(pt2.cubeVolume()); //create new cube for every cube volume 
       pt2 = pt2.next;     //loop 
      else if(pt2 ==null){    //but if 2nd is null 
       ptNew.next = new Cube(pt1.cubeVolume()); //create new cube for every cube volume 
       pt1 = pt1.next;     //loop 
       ptNew = ptNew.next;    //move on by assigning moving to next cube creating when pt2 is == null 
      else { 
       if(pt1.cubeVolume() < pt2.cubeVolume()) {  //moving while merging - comparing volumes of the head of each list 
        ptNew.next = new Cube(pt1.cubeVolume()); //When one is greater then new cube creating in new list and cube is placed accordingly 
        pt1 = pt1.next;   //loop 
        ptNew = ptNew.next;  //loop through new merged list for next comparison 
       else if(pt1.cubeVolume() == pt2.cubeVolume()) { //statement if the cubes volumes are equal 
        ptNew.next = new Cube(pt1.cubeVolume()); 
        ptNew.next.next = new Cube(pt1.cubeVolume()); 
        ptNew = ptNew.next.next; 
        pt1 = pt1.next;    //place one next to the other 
        pt2 = pt2.next; 
       else { 
        ptNew.next = new Cube(pt2.cubeVolume());  //else made new cube in new list and place pt2 head 
        pt2 = pt2.next;    //loop 
        ptNew = ptNew.next;    //loop 

     return tempHead.next;   //return new merged list 

} //End of Class 


public class Cube { 

    double length; 
    double width; 
    double height; 
    Cube next = null; 

    public Cube() { //Default Constructor 
    public Cube(double volume) { 
     volume = this.cubeVolume(); 

    public Cube(Double length, double width, double height) { 
     this.length = length; 
     this.width = width; 
     this.height = height; 
     this.next = next; 

    public String toString() {  //Print into a String 
     return "CUBE Volume: (" + cubeVolume() + ") ----- CUBE Length: ("+ this.length +") ----- CUBE Width (" + this.width + ") ----- CUBE Height (" + this.height + ")"; 
    //Set length 
    public void setLength(double length) { 
     this.length = length; 

    //Get length 
    public double getLength() { 
     return this.length; 

    //Set Width 
    public void setWidth(double width) { 
     this.width = width; 

    //Get Width 
    public double getWidth() { 
     return this.width; 

    //Set Height 
    public void setheight(double height) { 
     this.height = height; 

    //Set Height 
    public double setHeight() { 
     return this.height; 

    //Set Next 
    public void setNext(Cube next) { 
     this.next = next; 

    //Get Next 
    public Cube getNext() { 
     return this.next; 

    public double cubeVolume() { 
     double volume = (length*width*height); 
     //System.out.println("TEST: " + volume); 
     return volume; 

}  //End of Class 


-----MY LINKED LIST----- 
CUBE Volume: (14550.645379921463) ----- CUBE Length: (19.526751823368887) ----- CUBE Width (54.77537177724803) ----- CUBE Height (13.604009167732666) 
CUBE Volume: (1631.5144309742377) ----- CUBE Length: (40.72878317573845) ----- CUBE Width (22.07526604887876) ----- CUBE Height (1.8146109949933575) 
CUBE Volume: (17837.576670179817) ----- CUBE Length: (4.606784797762423) ----- CUBE Width (78.5447210731351) ----- CUBE Height (49.29704940251802) 
CUBE Volume: (113668.01972101796) ----- CUBE Length: (24.366242383656253) ----- CUBE Width (54.33809524521938) ----- CUBE Height (85.85099307890556) 
CUBE Volume: (432771.5800393206) ----- CUBE Length: (83.95704403819472) ----- CUBE Width (56.0616051224998) ----- CUBE Height (91.94668276748753) 

CUBE Volume: (432771.5800393206) ----- CUBE Length: (83.95704403819472) ----- CUBE Width (56.0616051224998) ----- CUBE Height (91.94668276748753) 

Objects in list 1 

Time Record: 
Time elapsed for Merge sort on a Linked List: 11831 Nanos 




 headCubeLL.next = null;        //Sets end of list to null 
     if(headCubeLL.next == null) {      //creates new cube until desired number is reached in the for loop 
      Cube curr = new Cube(headCubeLL.length, headCubeLL.width, headCubeLL.height); 
      headCubeLL = curr; 
     headCubeLL.next = null; 



  • 除去最後headCubeLL.next = null;
  • 創建curr對象之後添加新行curr.setNext(headCubeLL);



好吧,我明白你的意思了,謝謝你的解釋,不幸的是,即使如此,我實現了對'main'方法的更改,並且仍然得到相同的輸出。 – Kassie


在這種情況下,我強烈建議用調試器來完成這一步。這是找出究竟發生了什麼問題的最好方法。 –


好的,會做的。這真的已經到了我了,所以我必須弄清楚!謝謝! – Kassie