{"group":{"key":"Chinese","title":"Chinese","shortTitle":"Chinese","recipesCount":0,"description":"Chinese cuisine is any of several styles originating from regions of China, some of which have become increasingly popular in other parts of the world – from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa. The history of Chinese cuisine stretches back for many centuries and produced both change from period to period and variety in what could be called traditional Chinese food, leading Chinese to pride themselves on eating a wide range of foods. Major traditions include Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan, and Zhejiang cuisines. ","rank":"","backgroundImage":"images/Chinese/chinese_group_detail.png", "headerImage":"images/Chinese/chinese_group_header.png"},
"title":"Abalone Egg Custard",
"shortTitle" : "Abalone Egg Custard",
"perServing":"65kcal/2.2g fat",
"rating": 3 ,
"directions":["Step 1.","Step 2.","Step 3.","Step 4.","Step 5."],
"healthytips":["Tip 1","Tip 2","Tip 3"],
"nutritions":["Calories 65kcal","Total Fat 2.2g","Carbs 4g","Cholesterol 58mg","Sodium 311mg","Dietary Fibre 0.3g"],
"ingredients":["1 head Napa or bok choy cabbage","1/4 cup sugar","1/4 teaspoon salt","3 tablespoons white vinegar","3 green onions","1 (3-ounce) package ramen noodles with seasoning pack","1 (6-ounce) package slivered almonds","1 tablespoon sesame seeds","1/2 cup vegetable oil"]}
使用SQL AZURE的數據庫。 – forsakenedsj 2012-08-10 00:18:24
@forsakenedsj這是一個問答網站,人們可以將自己的空閒時間捐贈給其他人。獲得良好答案的最佳方法是向志願者展示您已付出一些努力。請參閱:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/how-to-ask – EBarr 2012-08-10 13:09:46