2014-02-23 26 views


import java.io.*;//imports the IO tools for use in this program 
import java.text.DecimalFormat;//imports the decimal format tool for use in this program 
public class RandomAccessProject 
    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception 

     String[] firstName = new String[100];//creates an array of length 100 called firstName 
     String[] lastName = new String[100];//creates an array of length 100 called lastName 
     int[] age = new int[100];//creates an array of length 100 called age 
     double[] gpa = new double[100];//creates an array of length 100 called gpa 
     boolean[] computerClub = new boolean[100];//creates an array of length 100 called computerClub 

     int numElements = loadArrays(firstName,lastName,gpa,age,computerClub);//invokes the loadArrays method to fill the created arrays with values from the text file. 


    * loadArrays 
    * @param String[] first ,String[] last,double[] grades, int[] age, boolean[] club. 
    * @return int count 
    public static int loadArrays(String[] first, String[] last, double[] grades,int[] age, boolean[] club) throws Exception 
     RandomAccessFile inputFile = new RandomAccessFile("rand.dat","r");//creates a new File object 
     int count = 0;//creates and initializes a variable for dermining which element of an array is interacted with 
     int r = 0; 

     while((r = inputFile.read()) != -1) 
      String firstName = inputFile.readUTF();//takes the next string and places it into the firstName variable 
      String lastName = inputFile.readUTF();//takes the next string and places it into the lastName variable 
      int old = inputFile.readInt(); 
      double gpa = inputFile.readDouble();//takes the next double and places it into the score variable 
      boolean compClub = inputFile.readBoolean(); 
      first[count] = firstName;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the first array to the firstName array 
      last[count] = lastName;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the last array to the lastName array 
      age[count] = old; 
      grades[count] = gpa;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the first array to the score array 
      club[count] = compClub; 
      count++;//increment count by one 

     return count; 

這會產生EOFException,我不知道還有什麼可以工作。 注意:count和printArrays指的是程序的另一部分,其操作與編寫另一個程序類似,一旦我將信息讀入陣列中



不知道文件的格式我不能更具體 - 但是一般來說你的問題是你每次都在循環中執行inputFile.read()並檢查返回值 - 但是你繼續閱讀並從輸入文件中讀取更多的東西,而不檢查是否有更多的東西要讀取和對第一次閱讀的數據不做任何處理。






爲此,已指定它不會超過100個元素。 我不知道如何將文件作爲一個.dat文件,而不是文本佈局。 對於本書,課堂或任何演示文稿中未指定的內容,它只是很難找到解決方案。 – Iccirrus


打開記事本或類似文件中的.dat文件(即使它不是.txt,它仍會讀取它,如果它的文本數據顯示它)。 –
