package SuitProg;
import java.util.Scanner;
public abstract class Suit {
//instance variables
private String Colour;
private double dailyCost;
private int trouserLength;
private int jacketChestSize;
private boolean available;
protected double totalPrice;
public Suit(String colour, double dailyCost, int trouserLength, int jacketChestSize, boolean available) {
Colour = colour;
this.dailyCost = dailyCost;
this.trouserLength = trouserLength;
this.jacketChestSize = jacketChestSize;
this.available = available;
this.totalPrice = totalPrice;
//accessors & mutators
public String getColour() {
return Colour;
public double getDailyCost() {
return dailyCost;
public int getTrouserLength() {
return trouserLength;
public int getJacketChestSize() {
return jacketChestSize;
public boolean getAvailability() {
return available;
public double getTotalPrice() {
return totalPrice;
public void setDailyCost(double dailyCost) {
this.dailyCost = dailyCost;
public void setTrouserLength(int trouserLength) {
this.trouserLength = trouserLength;
public void setJacketChestSize(int jacketChestSize) {
this.jacketChestSize = jacketChestSize;
public void setAvailability(boolean available) {
this.available = available;
public String toString() {
return " Suit [ Colour: " + getColour() + ", Daily Cost: " + String.format("%.2f", getDailyCost())
+ "\nTrouser Length: " + getTrouserLength() + ", Jacket Chest Size: " + getJacketChestSize()
+ " Is it available? " + getAvailability();
public void calcTotalPrice (int numDaysHired) {
totalPrice = totalPrice + (getDailyCost() * numDaysHired);
public String printDailyCost() {
return "£" + String.format("%.2f", getDailyCost());
public void makeChange(Scanner input) {
boolean valid = false;
do {
System.out.println("Are you sure you want to change the branding of a suit?");
String response = input.nextLine().toLowerCase();
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
valid = true;
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
valid = true;
} while (!valid);
public void updateBrand(Scanner input) {
boolean valid = false;
int selection;
System.out.println("The list of available brands are below:");
System.out.println("1 - " + Brand.Highstreet);
System.out.println("2 - " + Brand.TedBaker);
System.out.println("3 - " + Brand.FrenchConnection);
do {
System.out.println("Please enter the number of the Brand you wish to change.");
if (input.hasNextInt()) {
selection = input.nextInt();
if (selection < 1 || selection > 3) {
valid = false;
System.out.println("Please enter a number betwen 1 and 3");
} else
valid = true;
System.out.println("You have selected number: " + selection);
if (selection == 1) {
System.out.println("Please enter the changes you want to make");
System.out.println("New brand name : ");
} while (!valid);
package SuitProg;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MorningSuit extends Suit implements Brandable {
//instance variables
private boolean boutonniere;
private boolean topHat;
public Brand brand;
public MorningSuit(String colour, double dailyCost, int trouserLength, int jacketChestSize, boolean available, boolean boutonniere, boolean topHat) {
super(colour, dailyCost, trouserLength, jacketChestSize, available);
this.boutonniere = boutonniere;
this.topHat = topHat;
//accessors & mutators
public boolean getBout() {
return boutonniere;
public boolean getTopHat() {
return topHat;
public void setBout(boolean boutonniere) {
this.boutonniere = boutonniere;
public void setTopHat(boolean topHat) {
this.topHat = topHat;
public void setBrand(Brand brand) {
this.brand = brand;
public String toString() {
return "Morning Suit [ Boutonniere " + getBout() + " TopHat " + getTopHat() + " Colour: " + getColour() + ", Daily Cost: £" + String.format("%.2f", getDailyCost())
+ "\nTrouser Length: " + getTrouserLength() + ", Jacket Chest Size: " + getJacketChestSize()
+ " Is it available? " + getAvailability() + "]";
public void calcTotalPrice(int numDaysHired) {
if (getBout()) {
totalPrice = totalPrice + 3;
if (getTopHat()) {
totalPrice = totalPrice + 10;
totalPrice = totalPrice + (numDaysHired * getDailyCost());
System.out.println("The morning suit was hired for " + numDaysHired + " days.");
System.out.println("The total cost for the hire was: £" + String.format("%.2f", totalPrice));
public String getBrand() {
return "The brand of this Morning Suit is " + brand.toString().toLowerCase();
public void makeChange(Scanner input) {
boolean valid = false;
do {
System.out.println("Are you sure you want to change the branding of a suit?");
String response = input.nextLine().toLowerCase();
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
valid = true;
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
valid = true;
} while (!valid);
public void updateBrand(Scanner input) {
boolean valid = false;
int selection;
System.out.println("The list of available brands are below:");
System.out.println("1 - " + Brand.Highstreet);
System.out.println("2 - " + Brand.TedBaker);
System.out.println("3 - " + Brand.FrenchConnection);
do {
System.out.println("Please enter the number of the Brand you wish to change.");
if (input.hasNextInt()) {
selection = input.nextInt();
if (selection < 1 || selection > 3) {
valid = false;
System.out.println("Please enter a number betwen 1 and 3");
} else
valid = true;
System.out.println("You have selected number: " + selection);
if (selection == 1) {
System.out.println("Please enter the changes you want to make");
System.out.println("New brand name : ");
} while (!valid);
package SuitProg;
public enum Brand {
package SuitProg;
public interface Brandable {
public String getBrand();
package SuitProg;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class EveningSuit extends Suit implements Brandable {
private boolean cufflinks;
private boolean waistcoat;
public Brand brand;
public EveningSuit(String colour, double dailyCost, int trouserLength, int jacketChestSize, boolean available, boolean cufflinks, boolean waistcoat) {
super(colour, dailyCost, trouserLength, jacketChestSize, available);
this.cufflinks = cufflinks;
this.waistcoat = waistcoat;
this.brand = Brand.Highstreet;
//accessors & mutators
public boolean getCuffs() {
return cufflinks;
public boolean getWaistcoat() {
return waistcoat;
public void setCuffs(boolean cufflinks) {
this.cufflinks = cufflinks;
public void setWaistcoat(boolean waistcoat) {
this.waistcoat = waistcoat;
public String toString() {
return "Evening Suit [ Cufflinks " + getCuffs() + " Waistcoat " + getWaistcoat() + " Colour: " + getColour() + ", Daily Cost: £" + String.format("%.2f", getDailyCost())
+ "\nTrouser Length: " + getTrouserLength() + ", Jacket Chest Size: " + getJacketChestSize()
+ " Is it available? " + getAvailability() + "]";
public void calcTotalPrice (int numDaysHired) {
if (getCuffs()) {
totalPrice = totalPrice + 5;
if (getWaistcoat()) {
totalPrice = totalPrice + 10;
totalPrice = totalPrice + (getDailyCost() * numDaysHired);
System.out.println("The evening suit was hired for " + numDaysHired + " days.");
System.out.println("The total cost for the hire was: £" + String.format("%.2f", totalPrice));
public String getBrand() {
return "The brand of this Evening Suit is " + brand.toString().toLowerCase();
public void makeChange(Scanner input) {
boolean valid = false;
do {
System.out.println("Are you sure you want to change the branding of a suit?");
String response = input.nextLine().toLowerCase();
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
valid = true;
System.out.println("You can not change the brand name of an evening suit.");
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
valid = true;
} while (!valid);
package SuitProg;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Tester05 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create arrayList of suits
ArrayList<Suit> suits = new ArrayList<Suit>();
//create morningSuit object
MorningSuit MorningSuit1 = new MorningSuit("Black", 80.00, 32, 36, true, true, false);
//create evening suit
EveningSuit EveningSuit1 = new EveningSuit("White", 70.25, 34, 36, true, true, true);
//add suits to arrayList
//print all details of arrayList
for (Suit eachSuit : suits) {
System.out.println(eachSuit .toString()+"\n");
public static void printMenu(ArrayList<Suit> suits) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("----------------Suit Hire-----------------");
System.out.println("What would you like to do?");
System.out.println("\n1)Display all suits\n2)Display available suits\n3)Change Suit brand\n4)Finished");
System.out.println("Please select an option: ");
int selection = input.nextInt();
if (selection == 1) {
} else
if (selection == 2) {
if (selection ==3) {
makeChangeToSuits(suits, input);
if (selection ==4) {
System.out.println("You are now exitting the system.");
public static void makeChangeToSuits(ArrayList<Suit> suits, Scanner input) {
for (int i = 0; i > suits.size(); i ++) {
public static void displayAllSuits(ArrayList<Suit> suits) {
for (Suit eachSuit : suits) {
System.out.println(eachSuit .toString()+"\n");
public static void displayAvailableSuits(ArrayList<Suit> suits) {
for (int i = 0; i > suits.size(); i++) {
if (suits.get(i).getAvailability()) {
這是不是一個壞的問題,但你會得到更好的接待這個問題,如果你可以修剪下來的張貼示範*確切*你的問題在哪裏 – ControlAltDel
在那裏我對帖子進行了更改 – Liam