mysql_connect("mysql10.000webhost.com","******_12","*******") or die("Error:".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("******_1");//add your dbname
//get the variables we transmitted from the form
$Title = $_POST['Title'];
$Author = $_POST['Author'];
$Date = $_POST['Date'];
$Content = $_POST['Content'];
//replace TestTable with the name of your table
//replace id with the ID of your user
$sql = "UPDATE `posts` SET `Tilte` = '$Tilte',`Author` = '$Author',`Date` = '$Date',`Content` = '$Content' WHERE `posts`.`ID` = '$ID' 1 ";
mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error: ".mysql_error());
echo "Database updated. <a href='editinfo.php'>Return to edit info</a>";
http://bobby-tables.com/ - 不要使用'mysql_ *',不要通過將字符串混合在一起來構建SQL。 – Quentin 2012-07-23 11:33:18
擺脫查詢'$ sql'字符串中的「1」,並通過轉義來擺脫單引號符號,因爲您將搜索與文字字符串$ Title相同的Title,而不是您的'$ _POST ['標題']的價值。 – teodron 2012-07-23 11:34:15
我秒@什麼@Quentin說,谷歌跨站點腳本和消毒您的SQL查詢+轉義字符串。等等,有很多資源。如果你想從安全的角度來徹底失敗,你可以做到這一點,但它只會具有教學價值。 – teodron 2012-07-23 11:36:33